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Daniel Nashed

Why can’t Windows update be like Linux update ..

Daniel Nashed – 18 March 2022 11:16:24

Image:Why can’t Windows update be like Linux update ..

Most of you know, that I am a big Linux fan. There are many reasons to look into Linux -- One of them is much easier updating for sure!
Sadly my work machines have to be Windows and it is always a painful process to install updates. They know why they let your computer wake up at night and install over night...

Linux Update

For Linux it is a single command to update all packages and you might need to restart once -- if at all.
I have configured automatic updates on all my production machines and just get a notification e-mail from yum once anything is updated.

And even updating it manually is dramatically easier a single "yum/dnf/zypper/.. update" would update all your packages automatically.

Most of the times it is taking just 1-2 minutes for the whole update.

Windows Update

On my high power CPU workstation I am stuck at 74% since 30 min for a single patch on Windows...

I would never run any production Domino server hosted or locally on Windows.
And I don't see why admins choose Windows if they can use Linux.
Linux powers the internet for many years for good reasons!

What are your experiences with Windows updates on clients and servers?

I go with SUSE like in this Live Patching fun video and save my time and energy for better things that Windows ..

Fun fact
Did you know? Microsoft seconds are longer than Microsoft minutes.
And I think I have an idea why they use % for installers instead of minutes and seconds any more ..

Still stuck at 74% with high CPU load after finishing this blog post ...


1Ulrich Krause  18.03.2022 11:53:49  Why can’t Windows update be like Linux update ..

one of the latest "Cumulative update..." for my Windows 2016 server took 7 (SEVEN) hours to DOWNLOAD.

It messed up the harddrive with additional 2.5 GB, and after restart the history reported a failed install.

I downloaded the .msi from MS site manually within a couple of seconds ( my line is 1 GBit ), installed it, restarted the server and everything was OK.

And yes, I also have Linux servers running. But I need Windows server for testing.

2Uwe Brahm  19.03.2022 0:06:44  Why can’t Windows update be like Linux update ..

Yes, it's not the way things should be working in 2022.

We also have some issues with Domino on Windows Server, sure:

- Despite the setting to start the Domino server automatically, it sometimes is not starting when rebooted

- We even saw corrupted update databases preventing Windows from downloading the monthly updates

- ...

However, regarding Linux - it's not that easy:

- Do we get the _full support_ from HCL if we see a Domino problem with a server running on "YourLinux-Distro-OfChoice"?

- Is there a supported backup solution for Domino that works with "YourLinuxDistroOfChoice"?

- Will the "YourLinux-Distro-OfChoice" and Domino work flawlessly without performance issues on "YourLinux-Filesystem-OfChoice"

- Why is there no Linux Notes client (anymore)

- Why is there no Linux Domino Designer Development platform on Linux.

We would love to switch to Linux, but some answers are not that easy.


3Kevin Johnston  21.03.2022 13:31:47  Why can’t Windows update be like Linux update ..

I was on a Webinar and asked the question about the Linux clients and the response was that it is difficult to cover the costs of the various flavours of Linux when so few people use it.

I would say though that with Nomad taking over from the core Notes client it will be just Admins and Devs needing a local client at which point I am sure that Linux would be the OS of choice

4Ty Rex  26.04.2022 12:40:29  Why can’t Windows update be like Linux update ..

I've run Domino on Windows for customers for several decades with very good results and uptime.

I have little experience in Linux, which is probably the main issue as I would find it very difficult to problem-solve when issues occur compared to Windows. Windows makes it easy for me to manage the file system, processes, performance etc. I'm sure Linux can do the same, but it's a learning curve I've not had to go through.

That said, the biggest improvement in uptime of my network came from my use of Haproxy on Ubuntu to balance HTTP load, and that server just runs and runs, so the Windows servers don't need to be anything like as reliable.



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