Domino on Linux/Unix, Troubleshooting, Best Practices, Tips and more ...


Daniel Nashed

About Daniel Nashed

Daniel Nashed – 23 February 2008 15:30:12

About the blog

It took long time for me to decide if I want to create a blog. I am spending a lot of time in the Business Partner Forum which is a valuable resource you should look into if you are a business partner. But I think it was time to finally have a blog to have a platform to share interesting and important information once in a while.

The focus of this blog will be mainly infrastructure related content. I am more a back-end guy focusing on C-API, Domino Server Infrastructure, Domino on Unix, Troubleshooting, Security, High Availability and Performance. Of course I will also share funny stuff once in a while.

About myself

My first contact has been with Notes Version 3.x at 3M where by coincident the person responsible for their CRM application was sitting next to me while I was writing on an application in PL/1 on their mainframe.
I started to work at ifm electronic where we started our first production environment with the first beta releases of R4.0. Because I had a development background I started to look into the C-API in my spare time and soon started to write my own C-API tools to get admin tasks automated, integrate and also to synchronize data.

In 1999 I started my own company Nash!Com in my spare time to be able to access the Business Partner forum. And I also started to write the tips & tricks page for the Groupware Magazine.
Beginning of 2001 I decided to work completely on my own and joined Penumbra in the same year.

Finally November 2001 in Hannover I did my first presentations as a business partner and had a booth together with fellow Penumbra members (I still have the t-shirt take the yellow pill I have designed for that conference because we want to look like geeks showing technology and not like sales persons).

This is how my life as a Notes and Domino geek started. Since than I have done a lot of interesting and fun projects. I am still enjoying Notes and I learn something new every day.

As many of you know I am also "the guy who got Domino running on the Microsoft Xbox" and I am also the maintainer of a cross platform start/stop script for Domino on Linux, AIX and Solaris (which is available free on request).

My main work area is to help customers solve critical problems, build custom solutions -- most of the times on C-API level (servertasks, DSAPI filters, Extension Managers, etc), review infrastructures and do workshops for special topics.
I am working for customers directly but I also partner with business partners locally in Germany and also internationally to help their customers or to help them build their products.

One of my latest weekend fun projects

Around Xmas time 2007 I decided to take a week off to write the first beta version of SpamGeek my own AntiSpam Filter based on an Extension-Manager hooking directly into the Domino SMTP process.
The solution is up and running on my production severs since beginning of 2008 and a couple of friends and partners are running it very successfully in their environments.
But I am currently not selling it directly to customers. It is more a fun project for myself and also to understand customer problems and needs they have with their SMTP environments.

-- Daniel

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