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Daniel Nashed

Update on the critical Domino mail issue -- Fixes are available for the most recent releases

Daniel Nashed – 14 December 2024 18:25:08

The root cause of the issue has been found yesterday. The fix is build step by step for the different versions and made available as soon tested.
For up to date information please look into the following technote, which is updated

The first software packages are available on MHS.
I have updated the Domino Community Container project with 14.0 FP3 IF1 already.
The autoupdate and auto notify date should arrive shortly as I heard.

My servers are already updated (mostly container based).-

Not every mail configuration is directly affected (for example if you just have one, not multiple servers in your mail routing transfer chain and use no server mail rules).
But in any case you should apply the fix, because there could be other side effects.

For an information about the technical background, refer to the support statement.

Update: 15.12.2024 0:42:

More and more packages are available for more platforms and older versions.
You should check and also the updated technote for updates.

There are going to me more platforms. OS400 will need some time and is the most complex platform.
If you are on Domino 9.01 or 10.0.1 you will need to be under extended support.

Update: 16.12.2024 0:35:

There have been a couple of questions in my blog.
I can't comment on anything that is not officially confirmed by HCL.
Please refer to the technote which is at least daily updated.

You might also find additional information on Thomas Hampel's blog (senior product manager Domino)

-- Daniel

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