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Daniel Nashed

TrendMicro Virus Scanner Support for Domino 11

Daniel Nashed – 25 June 2020 11:12:17
We had the question for AIX a while ago and it was more difficult because the version for AIX is a different implementation.

But for Windows and Linux there is an official support statement as well.
My customer sent me a different link not showing Domino 11 support.

But my contact had the correct link:

Not having anti-virus or backup supported for a new Domino version, can be a big road blocked for upgrades.
In this case, Trend did already do the verification.

There are no back-end API changes that should not make it work.
But there are changes in Domino 11 like removing the IBM GSkit and replacing it with OpenSSL components and internal crypto, could theoretically have impact.
So they need to test the code again on Domino 11.

We had the same questions for IBM TDP/Spectrum Protect, which is also supported on Domino 11 since a while!
Actually the development team was happy that IBM GSKit was removed, because they had an compatibility issue with it. TDP is also using it.

If you have other software that is not Domino 11 ready and this is a road blocker, I would be interested to hear...

-- Daniel

1Pavel Zheltobryukhov  25.06.2020 12:02:33  TrendMicro Virus Scanner Support for Domino 11

Veritas/Symantec BackupExec drop Domino support. We still use BES 12 for our fileservers, but Domino have ho backup since version 9.0.

2zafer alguel  26.06.2020 8:51:19  TrendMicro Virus Scanner Support for Domino 11


Veritas Netbackup does support Domino!

3Harald Wolf  26.06.2020 9:10:08  TrendMicro Virus Scanner Support for Domino 11


SEP Sesam Backup does support Domino, but at this time only Domino V10. Domino V11 is not in the list of compatibility.

4Pavel Zheltobryukhov  26.06.2020 13:05:23  TrendMicro Virus Scanner Support for Domino 11

2zafer alguel

Compare price for NetBackup and for BackupExec. You will be surprised :) With NetBackup license Domino will be very expensive solution.

5Daniel Nashed  26.06.2020 14:31:31  TrendMicro Virus Scanner Support for Domino 11

HCL is aware of the situation with backup vendors.

And are actively working on something which has been mentioned at a DNUG event.

-- Daniel



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