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Daniel Nashed

Traveler 9.0.1 IF2 available

Daniel Nashed – 17 December 2013 05:25:52
Start your downloads ... Traveler IF2 is available.
There are just a few number of new fixes. See details below.

What is new is the Todo Sync for Blackberry devices.

-- Daniel

IBM Notes Traveler 9.0.1 Interim Fix 2
Release Date Component Build Levels Release Documentation
December 16, 2013 Server
Android Client
9.0.1 IF2 Release Documentation

APAR # Component Abstract
LO77372external link Server Duplicate sent notices may be sent when decline then accept repeating event.
LO77916external link Server Some devices with can not be wiped via admin application.
LO77999external link Server E-mail with large embedded attachment may be slow to sync to mobile device.
LO78045external link Server Windows Phone device may not show plain text preview for e-mail.
LO78158external link Server Schema migration may fail when using MS SQL server.
LO78185external link Server Support of To Do sync by BB 10.2.1 and later devices.
LO78212external link Server User with no devices registered can not be deleted from Admin interface.



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