Traveler Encryption and Accepting Invitations on iPhone
Daniel Nashed – 26 January 2010 14:46:16
Shortly before Lotusphere IBM shipped an update for the Lotus Traveler software.
Version corrected a couple of issues and adds support for accepting invitations on the iPhone. Can also check with the native iPhone dialogs (calendar display) if the meeting fits in.
In addition to this IBM added support for reading encrypted mails for iPhones.
Because the iPhone itself does not support encypted mails IBM wrote a native iPhone helper app which you can download for free in the app store "IBM Lotus Notes Traveler Companion".
This app can be used to connect to the server to display encrypted messages.
You need to upload your Notes.ID to the mailfile (same way as iNotes or BES) and the application prompts you for the ID password to decypt the message and display it in the app.
The app needs to be configured (server name, user name, password) and you have to specify some settings on the Traveler server.
Both features need Traveler and also need some configuration changes in NTSConfig.xml.
The features are both disabled by default and you have to check the readme for details (
Thanks for those two new great featues!
Both have been requested by many customers
-- Daniel
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