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Daniel Nashed

Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

Daniel Nashed – 25 March 2015 06:53:44
The problem came up a couple of times and the solution seems still hard to find even it is listed in Kbase.

When you try to install a fixpack or hotfix the installer reports that "Notes/Domino related process is still running" even Domino and NSD Service is stopped.
It looks like that when the Notes statistics are registered on OS level the  "Windows Management Instrumentation Service" (short WMI Service) keeps Notes DLLs blocked.

The workaround is to stop the "Windows Management Instrumentation Service" Service before starting the installation.
This should solve the problem in most of the cases.

If that does not help for other reasons my approach is to rename the Domino program directory, restart the server and rename it back before starting the installation.

-- Daniel


1ISMAIL KHAN   25.03.2015 8:03:12  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

Hello Nash,

Hope your fine and doing good!

This issue is mostly reported in windows environment as i faced many times. But before doing that so i will still request if same error is occurred, we can use the process monitor tool exactly find which service is holding and locking the fix pack installation. Post Stopping the respective service it should work fine

The process monitor tool is very well available for free download

Thanks & Regards

Ismail khan

2Michael Ruhnau  25.03.2015 8:52:49  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

Hi Daniel

many thanks again for your quick support.

It works like a charm ;-)

Cheers - Michael

3Rainer  25.03.2015 9:02:53  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

It´s also possible to only pause the service, if you cannot stop it ;-)

4Cormac McCarthy  25.03.2015 12:03:29  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

Hi Daniel,

Indeed, it seems to be related to VMWare sites(the WMI issue anyway), the couple of times it came up for you, were they VMWare sites as per here?-

{ Link }


5Jay Marme  25.03.2015 23:31:39  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

The issue is seen also on non-VMWare installations (physical servers).

6Ari Sarvikas  02.07.2015 6:25:05  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

Hi Daniel,

that hint to temporarily rename Domino program file helped me to complete one very challenging installation.

Thanks a lot! You save my day!

Best regards

Ari Sarvikas

Oy IBM Finland Ab

7Gopinath P T  17.11.2015 11:02:46  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

excellent ....

8Jeff V  08.01.2016 21:40:22  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

Thank You!!!

Was doing a new 2012 server in Azure Cloud and with all the different variables I was pulling my hair out.

For some reason I had to leave the dir renamed until the executable errored out with not finding the dir, and then renamed the dir and the update app opened up. Reall bizare behavior.

Thanks Again!

9Mike Kinder  02.06.2016 2:24:57  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

This article just saved me! Thank Daniel. By the way, 1 thing to mention is that before stopping the service, make sure it is set to "Manual" or "Disabled", otherwise it will restart by itself.

10Tommy Valand  15.11.2016 19:30:16  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

Thanks for sharing :)

11yunus  02.03.2017 6:35:08  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

thank you daniel

12Delash Kewada  26.05.2017 5:51:02  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

I have stopped the "Windows Management Instrumentation Service" but still getting the error. Do not want to go down the path of renaming the Domino folder. Is the issue fixed in FP8 IF1?

13Thibaud Maes  08.06.2017 14:49:51  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

This post is still helping me today :-D

14Kai-Uwe Rommel  08.06.2017 18:39:56  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

The core reason for the problem usually is that the Domino server was installed on Windows with the "Performance Monitoring" component, which is selected by default. This causes the Windows event log service to keep the nnotes.dll active all the time.

The clean solution would be to uninstall Domino and reinstall it without the "Performance Monitoring" component.

As a shortcut, you can also delete the references to nnotes.dll under HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\eventlog and HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\notesstat and reboot the server.

Then, the problem should be gone.

15Daniel Nashed  15.06.2017 19:23:16  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

Hi Kai-Uwe, right because of this integration the DLL is still in use even when you shutdown the server and service.

16Adem  19.08.2017 11:41:10  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

Many thanks daniel

17Collin Bel  02.09.2017 18:06:53  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

This fixed it

18Max Santillán  24.01.2018 18:51:56  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

Renamming folder worked for me, thank you!

19Nick Wall  03.03.2018 15:46:43  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

I should have tried the renaming the folder thing 1st. That resolved problem for me.


20Gunter Friedmann  20.03.2018 19:18:26  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

I just solved this problem on a Domino update on customer side by choosing the option "... try starting the computer in safe mode. This should allow you to successfully install the hotfix or Fix Pack."

This is one of the proposals from IBM support.


21Erich Schmidt  30.10.2018 15:40:16  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix


Was seeing exactly this behavior, and it was the rename of the directory, restart, try, fail, rename back that worked.

22Leo Van Limberghen  24.07.2020 21:26:21  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

Hey Daniel, THANKS a lot ! Your tip helped me solving an upgrade issue from Domino v9.0.1FP2HF384 (on W64 virtual machine) to v9.0.1FP10 (supporting TLS1.2). I had to 'disable' the "Windows Management Instrumentation" service though, in order for me to work.

23Thorsten Ebers  07.08.2023 18:05:46  Solution for Notes/Domino related process is still running when applying a Fixpack or Hotfix

ran into that problem with Notes Client 12.0.2 64 bit on WIN 11 Pro. Disabling the WMI helped.

Thank you Daniel.



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