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Daniel Nashed

Shuttting down a Traveler Server

Daniel Nashed – 13 October 2010 06:03:38

When you shutdown the HTTP on a Traveler server the HTTP task might take a while to shutdown because the Traveler servlet might have many active connections.
In normal cases when you shutdown your server completely the Traveler servertask will receive an even at the same time and tell the Traveler servlet to stop processing requests and let HTTP shutdown cleanly.
Due to timing issues this might not work in all cases. So if you want to shutdown your HTTP task or if you want to shutdown your Domino server hosting your Traveler server more quickly it could make sense to stop the Traveler task before stopping the HTTP task or shutting down the Domino server.

In case you are working with a batch to shutdown the Windows service you could invoke nserver -c "tell traveler quit" followed by a 20 to 30 second wait time before using "net stop Lotus Domino Server...".
I am currently thinking about adding an option to my Domino start/stop script for Linux to have this command issued before shutdown.
What do you think? Would this helpful for Traveler on Linux?

-- Daniel



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