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Daniel Nashed

Preparing DNUG Domino Automation Hands-On Workshop

Daniel Nashed – 4 March 2023 11:18:46
Mid of this month (15.3) we are having our first hands-on workshop for Domino automation.
I am in the middle of lab and slide preparation and just realized how much new and interesting functionality we got in Domino 12 which makes life of a Domino administrator easier.
And there is more coming in Domino V14 to simplify updates and administration from what I heard.

There are already 140 slides and I am keep adding interesting related material.
There is so much to look into. And I probably need a part two .. LOL

OTS, CertMgr automation, automation testing, deployment in different environment (Linux native, containers, Windows, ..) there is so much interesting stuff I worked on in the last three years.
Marc Thomas from Panagenda will cover the Notes client.

The first round of the workshop is in German -->
But depending on the feedback, we might provide one in English as a repeat.
For German speakers.. We are 15 people so far. And there is still room for like 5 more..

-- Daniel



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