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Daniel Nashed

Notes/Domino/Traveler 12.0.2 released

Daniel Nashed – 20 November 2022 09:52:06

During HCL Factory the Notes/Domino & related add-on products major release updates have been released.

I already blogged about many of the new features during the Early Access phase.

See some details and references below.

Congrats specially to the server team & security team for an impressive list of features!

-- Daniel

Notes 12.0.2

New workspace UI

The Notes 12.0.1 UI with the 64x64 icons was a good step to a modern UI.

Personally I see the new workspace design as a step back. Specially when looking into the new twisty to select the replica.

There is a notes.ini to keep the more modern looking 12.0.1 UI

notes.ini EnableV1202WorkspaceLook=0

I am currently switching to 64x64 pixel icons on my workspace updating all my applications.

IBM Carbon design  offers over 960 pictograms
They are free to use and HCL is using the carbon design icons already for view icons.

I found an easy way to convert them into Notes database icons combining them with the HCL background icons.

Stay tuned for another blog post with detailed information.

New 64bit Client

The new 64bit client is and important step into the future and you can use the new 64bit client to check out all your applications.

I would wait while before deploying the 64bit client in production. Specially when you have add-on applications you need to test.

There is a technote explaining some limitations including a last minute regression.

Guidelines in updating applications to run on the 64-bit version of HCL Notes 12.0.2  -->

Beside that all your add-ons need to support 64bit as well (extension managers, add-on menus, LotusScript to C-API native calls!).

Specially native C-API calls can be tricky and you really need to test all your applications.

Now with 12.0.2 you have a released 64bit client, you can prepare a 64bit transition.
But I would wait for at least a first IF or FP to deploy it on larger scale in production!

Domino Restyle

The new restyle functionality to modernize the look & feel of your Notes application is implemented in core Notes and is available in Nomad Web and the new Notes client.

With designer access and higher, you can run the restyle directly from your Notes client (File > Application > Restyle).

For more details check
 about Notes client and designer features check:


Domino 12.0.2

Many of the bullet points below would be worth a separate blog post.

I have blogged about many of the features already during early access beta.
And there is more to come, now that 12.0.2 is released.

  • Virus scanning leveraging the ICAP protocol (
  • Inbound mail SPF support (
  • Inbound DKIM support (
  • Outgoing free time lookup for Microsoft 365 users
  • DAOS Encryption Manager (daosencmgr) to manage DAOS object encryption
  • Domino 12.0.2 on Windows is a true VSS Writer (new servertask backupvss) which allows to use any VSS compliant backup application to backup Domino!
  • OpenID Connect /OIDC native authentication support natively integrated into the HTTP task
  • CertMgr is now available on AIX
  • CertMgr is used to create JConsole/Controller certificates with an own JConsole Micro CA
  • Micro CA certs can be exported and newly created CAs are valid for 10 years
  • Update of internet certificate roots in Domino directory including adding certificate details in certificate document (and also cerstore.nsf document)
  • For ICAP and OIDC certstore.nsf contains a new option to centralize manage trusted roots. Mandatory for ICAP, optional for OIDC.
  • CertMgr remote certificate check health check via LibCurl request for all standard protocols like HTTP, ICAP, LDAPS, IMAPS, POP3S (using trusted roots from cerstore.nsf or names.nsf).
    (There is a new back-end API which is planned to be used in more areas in future)
  • Notes/Domino includes OpenSSL 3.0.5 including a fix for the recent OpenSSL security issue
  • Update of LibCurl to 7.83.0 (a recent version, more current than in most Linux distributions)
  • Tika Server (used for attachment indexing) update to a new major version 2.4.1
  • New Domino container image, based on the HCL community image
  • Add-on container image for Traveler 12.0.2 and Domino Leap 1.1 based on the new image (previously Domino Volt, also just released this week!)

For more details

Nomad Server 1.0.5 for Domino 12.0.2

One important side note, if you are running the new Nomad Server.

To run the Nomad server on Domino 12.0.2 you need a separate package supporting 12.0.2




    • [HCL Domino]
    • [Domino on Linux]
    • [Nash!Com]
    • [Daniel Nashed]