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Daniel Nashed

Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

Daniel Nashed – 31 January 2018 22:20:56

Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped.
I updated my client and one of my production servers this morning. My upgrade went well. But as always I am interested in your feedback.

When you install the admin/design client the result will be a single 1.8 JVM.
Before we had a mix of JVM 1.8 for run-time and JVM 1.6 which made development more complicated.

As you can read in the release notes beside the JVM version also the Eclipse version has been updated to work with JVM 1.8 and also to introduce new functionality.

The compile time JVM is the biggest change in FP 10.

The fixlist database is not updated yet but the readme already contains fixes.

I have reverted my cipher list to the default and tested if the ROBOT SSL/TLS Attack is fixed.
SSL Labs does not show any issues any more and the fix just comes in time before SSL Labs will give server not fixed against the  OBOT SSL/TLS Attack and using those vulnerable ciphers get a  "F" rating beginning of February.

The browser stays removed. And there are still discussions among business partners who used embedded browser functionality in their solutions.

1Julian  31.01.2018 23:19:32  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

hey Daniel

any news about "Embedded Browser" within FP10 ?



2Bryce  01.02.2018 0:56:29  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

Hi Daniel,

It looks that FP9IF3 was not released, is the issue that FT index hang fixed? I didn't find the information in the fixlist. Thank you!


3Christian Henseler  01.02.2018 6:50:47  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

Updating to FP10 on a fresh installation if Notes 9.0.1 on Win 10 Pro with latest 9.0.1 FP9 mail db design resulted in scrambled subject lines in ca. 50 percent of incoming internet mail for


4Jan Larsen  01.02.2018 8:37:22  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

After updating my local server to FP10, I've notice that all my mails now have the Subject lines converted into UTF-8 formats...

Hard to read.

Eg. =?UTF-8?B?TW9yZ2VuLWJyaWVmaW5nOiBOeSBkYXRhbG9naS11ZGRhbm5lbHNlIGkgT2RlbnNlIGZvciBpdC1mb2xrIGkgYXJiZWpkZSAv?= =?UTF-8?B?IER1bmRyZW5kZSB1bmRlcnNrdWQgdGlsIE1pY3Jvc29mdCAtIG1lbiBrdW4gw6luIGdhbmcgLyBTYW1sZXQgV2lGaS1sw7hzbmk=?= =?UTF-8?B?bmcgc2thbCBkw6Zra2UgaGVsZSBOeWJvcmcgYnltaWR0ZSAvIFN0eXJlbHNlIG1lbGRlciBpdC1hZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yIHRpbA==?= =?UTF-8?B?IHBvbGl0aWV0?=

Wonder if that could be a settings in Domino that needs to be changed...

5Lars Berntrop-Bos  01.02.2018 9:15:03  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

Updated my Domino without trouble.

The Notes FP installersfor FP9, FP10 and HF55 cannot deal with a user profile directory path with a space in it due to the failure to correctly quote the path to the log file in the call to msiexec. I circumvented that by creating an extra Temp directory without a space in the path and pointing the TEMP and TMP Windows environment variables to that. Then I could uninstall the hotfix, FP9, and install FP10.

I had some trouble after starting the client, which I resolved by removing Ytria Suite and my local mail file replica and full text index.

I will try to reinstall Ytria and NotesHound at a later date.

I unknowingly sidestepped the Sametime client issue others have posted about because my company has shutdown the Sametime server, so after the rollback to 9.0.1 I modified the installation to remove the sametime client. Because of which the Sametime issue simply did not occur for me.

6Shaun Gibbs  01.02.2018 10:08:47  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

Also getting lots of email with scrambled subject lines:

Example: =?UTF-8?B?U1lOT0xPR1k6ICBVcGRhdGVzIGFyZSBhdmFpbGFibGUgZm9yIHBhY2thZ2VzIG9uIENsb3Vk?=

Interestingly the subject is scrambled when viewing the mail in either the Notes client or iNotes... If using the Verse Mobile (Traveler) client the subject is correct and not scrambled.

7Denis Kopprasch  01.02.2018 11:08:54  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

After Server update, I get the error "The application /xxxx.nsf requires org.openntf.domino.xsp.XspLibrary. This library cannot be found." when trying to load an XPage from this app.

Updated Extlib and Domino API from OpenNTF to their latest versions, resigned all content in updatesite.nsf - no change.

Reproduced on two test servers now that were previously running fine with FP9.

8Paul Withers  01.02.2018 12:04:55  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

Jesse Gallagher has pushed up a snapshot release of OpenNTF Domino API to { Link } Alternatively, 3.2.0 works apparently. There's a dependency on an osgi plugin that's not used but removed from FP10. I got an error starting Domino during the beta, but it was user error (not re-launching Eclipse debug configuration), but that meant I've not been running the server so didn't have a version ready to go. A full release will be out shortly.

9Lars Berntrop-Bos  01.02.2018 14:25:59  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

added Ytria 16.5.3 and NotesHound 9.0.4, works!

Only gripe: those tools also add Toolbars. Every time I start Notes, the toolbars are distributed on two lines, not on one line where i put them...

DomNavigator also continues to work.

10Lars Berntrop-Bos  01.02.2018 15:00:08  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

Funky: Open a memo in your mail file.

Doubleclick to put in Edit mode. Rightclick the body.

Top menu item: '[Cleanup Separators]'

11Christian Henseler  02.02.2018 7:26:09  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

problem that compact task is spiking one CPU to 100 % when used with -replica -restart still does exist in FP10

12Lars Berntrop-Bos  02.02.2018 22:13:19  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

A possible tripup also occurs if your Windows User directory has a space in the path.

The logging parameter in the MSIEXEC call is missing the quotes around the path.

Installers I have seen tripping: Installers for 9.0.1, FP9, FP9 IF1, FP10...

Possible source of fixpack failure found: the 9.0.1 installers and subsequent updates al trip over a space in the path of your windows user, e.g. 'C:\Users\John Doe\'


Set the Windows TMP and TEMP environment vars to 'C:\Users\JohnD\Temp'

After you created the directory 'C:\Users\JohnD\Temp\' of course...

Don't forget to put it back.

Also experiencing a hang in notes2.exe, initing icclib084.dll

I'll be reverting to 9.0.1 FP 9 for the time being...

13Gabor Ivanyi  27.02.2018 19:06:30  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

got the same. SMTP inbound mail using UTF-8 chars (e.g.Umlauts) got crippled. Checked MIME inbound conversion options without help.

meanwhile I saw that IF1 should help, which includes


Fixed an issue where the subject line encoded (UTF-8) after upgrading to Domino 9.0.1FP10

14Mark Skurla  18.04.2018 17:49:55  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

Lars, if you haven't already, please submit a PMR for that hang in notes2.exe, initing icclib084.dll.

15Lars Berntrop-Bos  23.04.2018 5:47:42  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

A PMR was raised. The hang was determined to be caused by an odd cluster configuration, where there are two cluster partners and one of them has Server_Availability_Threshold=100. Which measn it is never available. So when a Notes Client ignores that and tries to access it, a long timeout (>2 minutes) occurs.

Resolution would be to actually use the cluster partner like it's supposed to be used. But since the people in control are afraid of Domino and seldom listen to knowledgeable people, the situation will probably linger.

16Mark Skurla  23.04.2018 14:30:04  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

Ah, ok, great. Glad that your issue was resolved Lars.

17Magnus Selin  17.10.2019 7:50:36  Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

My feedback:

Tried from notes 9.0.1 basic to install 9.0.1FP10. Got error message: Unable to fins valid target platform. So my notes tech install the full version over the basic one. When runing the 9.0.1FP10 again its says: Wizard will uninstall updates from your computer.... So I will clean up and reinstall.



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