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Daniel Nashed

Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped

Daniel Nashed – 31 January 2018 22:20:56

Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 shipped.
I updated my client and one of my production servers this morning. My upgrade went well. But as always I am interested in your feedback.

When you install the admin/design client the result will be a single 1.8 JVM.
Before we had a mix of JVM 1.8 for run-time and JVM 1.6 which made development more complicated.

As you can read in the release notes beside the JVM version also the Eclipse version has been updated to work with JVM 1.8 and also to introduce new functionality.

The compile time JVM is the biggest change in FP 10.

The fixlist database is not updated yet but the readme already contains fixes.

I have reverted my cipher list to the default and tested if the ROBOT SSL/TLS Attack is fixed.
SSL Labs does not show any issues any more and the fix just comes in time before SSL Labs will give server not fixed against the  OBOT SSL/TLS Attack and using those vulnerable ciphers get a  "F" rating beginning of February.

The browser stays removed. And there are still discussions among business partners who used embedded browser functionality in their solutions.



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