Notes Client on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Daniel Nashed – 29 August 2010 20:26:40
Some customers and partners asked me about running Notes clients on newer releases.
The current versions are still only officially supported on the previous LTS release 8.04 LTS
Later versions had some issues. Most of them could be worked around but it was not officially supported.
IBM only supports the "Long Term Support" releases -- aka LTS versions.
The latest Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is not yet officially supported for Notes 8.5.2 but it works like a charm.
There are plans to officially support it now that 8.5.2 has been shipped.
If you want a current Ubuntu release you should look into 10.04 LTS in combination with Notes 8.5.2.
You should not try any release between the two LTS releases and not try it with an earlier version of Notes.
Linux is not always the same and the devil is in the details of the Linux version.
-- Daniel
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