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Daniel Nashed

New Version of KyrTool released

Daniel Nashed – 3 April 2015 06:38:12
There is a newer version of the key ring tool that has been released on fix-central.

Here is the list of fixes for the newer version.
You should also update your client and server to the latest available IF because there are also fixes in the back-end for some issues parsing certificates.

By the way ... I really like the command line kyrtool. A couple of days ago a customer asked me for some maintenance of their existing key ring files.
Their CA expired and we had to remove the root CA from over 150 key-ring files.
Using a shell script in combination with the kyrtool allowed me to export the private key and certificates, use "sed" to modify the file, create a new key-ring file, re-import and verify the key-ring file.
We even dumped information about the keys, certs etc and validation of the key-ring files into a CSV file to have an overview :-)

-- Daniel
DKEN9U5UEX Fix crash if pem file provided as input file has embedded nulls
KLYH9UBNGW Add Sha 256 Pinning to the kyrtool - displaying the digest on show commands
MKIN9QHT5W Fix kyrtool crashing when attempting the create command and giving an existing directory for the keyfile name
DKEN9RVQGD Fix kyrtool sometimes erroring on import all command



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