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Daniel Nashed

New Notes Online Meeting integration

Daniel Nashed – 5 May 2021 05:51:02
His is awesome news announced at NCUG.
This new integration will be available for Notes 11.0.1 FP3 and higher implemented into your Notes mail template.

I haven't seen it myself but two fellow HCL Ambassadors have already blogged about it.

There are changes required in the Notes back-end code to make it work.

But beside that it's implemented on template level.
From what I understood so far the installer/config tool will change the template.

This will be available soon on GitHub as Cormac wrote in his blog post.

I had no chance to look at it on my own. But from what I read and heard this will be easy to integrate.

Have a look at Cormac's and Roberto's posts for details.

Huge thanks to the team at HCL who implemented it!!

This is very important functionality -- especially those days with all the on-line meetings.

Update: There is also a video from NCUG with a lot of details and demo!

-- Daniel


1Christian  05.05.2021 6:17:40  New Notes Online Meeting integration


toooo late

2Daniel Nashed  05.05.2021 6:58:28  New Notes Online Meeting integration


this freature request was on the list for quite a while and not easy to implement for multiple vendors.

Their interfaces are not always easy to handle and also the way to integrate changed.

Zoom for example had their own integration which is not supported with current versions.

Finding the right way to integrate is not always easy.. I agree some should have done earlier.

Meeting platforms have opened their interfaces meanwhile to allow those type of integrations.

I don't like those type of negative comments which are not leading anywhere.

-- Daniel

3Christian Henseler  06.05.2021 5:58:39  New Notes Online Meeting integration

Great news, especially that it is free and hopefully easily to integrate into the Notes Client.

Although not intended, I see a great benefit in coexistence scenarios when customers stay at Notes/Domino (for a while), but not on Sametime. Esp. with EOS of ST 9.0, not every customer will go to ST 11.5 or 11.6, but WebEx/Jabber

4Jason Ferber  06.05.2021 18:29:43  New Notes Online Meeting integration

You need to let us all know when this is available. Link to the GitHub URL...

This is exciting news and needed...

5Richard Dew  12.05.2021 7:35:45  New Notes Online Meeting integration

Fantastic news so many of our customers are asking for this and it has been a great disappointment to them that this integration hasn't been available without having to purchase a 3rd party add on which after testing are not great.

I have been checking but its still not on GitHub do you know when this is going to be released as we really want to get this implemented ASAP.

Thanks as always Daniel



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