New DBMT Switches in Domino 10
Daniel Nashed – 26 October 2018 15:44:55
There are new abbreviated command line switches in Domino V10. They are helpful if you have to type them in manually and because the dbmt compact command line has a limit of 128 bytes.
It was in discussion earlier and finally made it into Domino V10.
Beside those abbreviated commands there are also 3 new command-line switches are documented below.
-ods is not yet documented in the dbmt -help command but the other two have been added.
Additional info:
-ods does only compact databases which are not on the current ODS. And it will skip databases with the current ODS.
But databases with the wrong database class (which have been creates with a .ns7 earlier etc like some help databases) still need a compact -upgrade.
dbmt has one big advantage. databases get their space pre-allocated.
See this post for details -->
-- Daniel
Abbreviated DBMT switches
-nocompactlimit (-ncl)
-blacklist (-bl)
-force (-f)
-range (-r)
-ftiNdays (-fnd)
-ftiThreads (-ft)
-compactNdays (-cnd)
-compactThreads (-ct)
-timeLimit (-tl)
-updallThreads (-ut)
-stopTime (-st)
New Command-Line switches
-ods -- causes compacted dbs to be upgraded to the current ODS level
-nounread do not update unread tables
- Comments [4]
1Dietmar Dumke 26.10.2018 22:43:14 New DBMT Switches in Domino 10
Unsure which benefit the -ods switch could provide vs. using CREATE_R10_DATABASES=1.
2Daniel Nashed 26.10.2018 23:24:26 New DBMT Switches in Domino 10
-ods only compacts databases which are not yet on the right ODS
See my details that I updated in the blog post to provide more details.
3Jay Marme 29.10.2018 14:50:20 New DBMT Switches in Domino 10
I would like to see DBMT use the -y switch available in the compact command. -y will compact only those apps and templates in the data directory, and exclude any subdirectories.
4Daniel Nashed 02.11.2018 16:35:53 New DBMT Switches in Domino 10
@Jay Marme, I like the idea! There are also other switches that are not available.
For example all the enable/disable switches. And the -updade switch.
I have my own tool "nshrun" where I add features that I am missing ;-)
But yes I would also like to see -y and other options in DBMT.
You could submit an idea -->
-- Daniel