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Daniel Nashed

Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

Daniel Nashed – 8 April 2009 14:07:14

There is an issue reported as SPR #JCHS7NWPT6. for a namelookup issue with the new namelookup model which has been introduced to optimize the way the namelookup cache is refreshed.
The new model allows more granular control of how the cache is refreshed. There is a known issue that specially affects larger Domino servers which causes the server to crash due to a leak.

I would recommend to disable the new namelookup feature until 8.5.1 by setting notes.ini NLCACHE_VERSION=2 
This way you stay with the already save and proven namelookup code.
The new default for 8.5 is NLCACHE_VERSION=4 but you should stay with the older version 2 until 8.5.1.
TN #1370203 describes this issue but has no reference to the NLCACHE versions and the work-around yet.

-- Reference -- 

Introduced in Domino 7.0.3 and 8.0, the NLCACHE_VERSION=4 notes.ini
variable is a fix to an enhancement to the NAMELookup cache that
invalidates individual entries rather than entire groups. This enhancement
is not enabled by default, and will only be enabled if the NAMELookup cache
version has been increased to 4 by setting the value of this variable to 4.
The default setting for the NAMELookup cache in Domino 7.x / 8.0.x is version 2.

-- Daniel


1Liam Harpur  08.04.2009 15:07:00  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

Thanks Daniel - I will inform the technote owner. Liam.

2Wolfang Haderlein  08.04.2009 17:52:43  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

Also an issue in 8.02?

3Rob  08.04.2009 21:46:35  Different question: URL substitution rule

Speaking of the NAB ... hope you don't mind a random question ... how do you get a internet site substitution rule to take effect? I tried bouncing the HTTP process but that didn't seem to do it. We're still on 7.x right now. Expect to upgrade to 8.5 in the next month or so.


4Daniel Nashed  08.04.2009 23:04:58  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

@Wolfang, from the TN it looks like also 8.0.x is also broken but the default for NLCACHE_VERSION is still 2 in 8.0.x. So you don't run into it if you don't change it.

-- Daniel

5Stijn Soens  09.04.2009 8:24:39  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

Thanks Daniel. Me and my collegue are currently setting up a Domino 8.0.2 environment for 40000 users and NLCACHE_VERSION=4 was enabled. We noticed significant delays in caching when group documents were updated. Users didn't get access until the next morning or after a server reboot. A couple of days ago we came to the conclusion that lowering the NLCACHE_VERSION to 2 solved the issue and I'm glad that we found confirmation of this issue. I'm also trying to link two other issues with this one but I'm not yet there so if someone else encountered the same issues, please comment. We noticed issues with the @UserNamesList which didn't return the correct values and we have also have random issues with getting a handle on names.nsf. Now that I see the NLCACHE issue is related to semaphores, it could make sense but some additional testing is required right now. I'll get back on this.

6Daniel Nashed  09.04.2009 14:07:53  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

@Stijn, did you open a PMR at IBM support? Even we know that there are some issues with the new cache code I am not sure that all you described is fully known.

You should check with support to give them all your feedback to ensure it is all fixed in 8.5.1 or a potential 8.5 Fixpack

-- Daniel

7Stijn Soens  09.04.2009 15:20:53  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

@Daniel, not yet but I will. I just have to make sure that the issues I mentioned are really related to the NLCACHE issues.

8Daniel Nashed  10.04.2009 10:44:42  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5


Here is a short summary of our dicussion just for others to follow.

As discussed offline and what you have tested "tell http refresh" does reload the redirects.

You can test the current configuration via

Tell HTTP Dump Config"

which will generate a httpcfg.txt (should be already in IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT directory) containing the full configuration of your http server -- to check what changed in your configuration

There are 3 different options that do different things. Not everything is fully documented in detail.

restart task http

would restart the complete http task. the task would completely unload and be restarted

that is the safest way to completely restart http.

and this is for example needed to safely reload http with re-starting DASPI filters

tell htpp reload

this option reloads the http task but does not completely restart it.

It stays in memory but will be reloaded

tell http refresh

refreshes the http configuration.

this should already activate the new rules

There is one issue that I could think about.

The configuration read thru namelookup which is cached.

It can take up to 10 minutes until this cache is refreshed and your configuration could still be old when http tries to reload.

So to be save you might need a

"show nlcache reset"

to get the configuration refreshed immediately.

Can you give me some more background what is happening in your case?

I hope this helps

-- Daniel

9Stijn Soens  28.04.2009 11:12:59  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

I would come back on the post I made on the 9th. The @UserNamesList issue and the inability to get a handle on names.nsf (occcasionally) don't seem to be related to the NLCACHE_VERSION issue. We're still investigating the cause of the second issue but it didn't go away after we changed the nlcache version.

10Roel Van Elsacker  18.12.2009 9:04:16  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

We have an application running that also experiences poor response times every now and then. We have set the NLCACHE_VERSION to 4 now (ND802). Still awaiting result of this change.

I know that a lot of @usernameslist functions are used in the application, do these also perform addressbook name lookups every time, iow: will these also benefit from the NLCACHE_Version update?

@Stijn - Did you find another cause related to the @usernameslist lookup?

thx - Roel.

11JeyCo  22.06.2011 4:15:02  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

I have an application that uses @namelookup function as one of the field. When I run the application in Lotus Notes 7 it seems to be returning current address book entry. But when I ran the same application in 8.5, it returns outdated address book entry. What could cause 8.5 to return old entry? Thanks!

12Mike F  11.02.2016 15:31:51  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

Daniel - it was good to meet you at Connect after the Gurupalooza session.

We are running Domino 9.0.1 FP5 and we are experiencing an issue where the group cache will not clear even after issuing a sh nlcache reset command. Any changes that we make to group membership for a user who is already logged in to the server do not appear to take affect until we bounce the server. We do not have the nlcache_version variable in the .ini file so we are using the default behavior. This issue appears to have crept in after one of the recent fix packs as it was not a problem until the last few months.

Any word on this being a known issue?

13Daniel Nashed  15.02.2016 10:07:34  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

Hi Mike, good to meet you as well in Orlando!

I never ran into an issue with the cache not being cleared after a while or directly after issuing the show nlcache reset command.

The view is updated and you see rhe change right? Can you always reproduce the problem? Can you send me details.

I will drop you an email in parallel ..

-- Daniel

14Ian Haigh  02.03.2016 14:30:42  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

Hi Daniel,

We are having the same issues as Mike F (12) has reported to you, the only difference being that we are running Domino 9.0.1 FP4.

It would appear that if the user has an open HTTP session that the group changes are not picked up (even after issuing the sh nlcache reset command).

If we add the user directly to the ACL of the application, they are able to log in straight away.

Not sure if you & Mike managed to see anything, but any pointers you come up with would be helpful.


15Harkpabst Meliantrop  26.07.2016 13:42:58  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

Same thing - (14) and (12) - has always been happening to us, from Domino 6 up, when running on Linux. :(

Never found a solution.

16Michael Freidin  01.02.2017 19:17:23  Namelookup cache issue in Domino 8.x / 8.5

To (sort of) close the loop on this portion of the thread:

I opened a ticket with IBM and they eventually had me replace the design of the Domino Directory and this appeared to solve the problem.

Unfortunately, the problem continues to recur every few months.

Thus far, replacing the design of the Directory has corrected the issue each time (for a while) but this seems very odd to me that this is a recurring problem.



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