Must watch: Unlocking the Power of Nomad for Browsers and Mobile Devices
Daniel Nashed – 25 January 2025 12:15:43
If you never looked into Nomad Mobile and/or Nomad Web or if you use it already: This is a great video of one after another new feature of the Nomad platform.
Nomad is a great platform for mobile devices but also for Desktop experience running a basic client experience in the browsers.
Over the last years the Nomad team did an outstanding job implementing feature after feature.
Since Nomad Server is available it is super easy to deploy Nomad Web. No extra components are needed.
The Nomad server gets it's TLS certificate from CertMgr and can meanwhile passthru ACME Challenges to the Domino server.
AdminCentral is the first HCL provided template which is working on the Notes Client, Nomad Web and Nomad Mobile.
It shows what you can do with standard Notes application functionality today.
Our DNUG Lab environment has all components enabled. I am using AdminCentral to register and manage all lab users.
Have a look into the latest features. Kudos to the HCL Nomad team! You rock!
-- Daniel
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