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Daniel Nashed

Multi-Threaded Replicator in 8.5.2

Daniel Nashed – 6 October 2010 19:46:13

In Notes 8.5.2 there is a very nice and new feature to have multiple replications going on at the same time.
It was not clear to me how many replications would be started at the same time and if it is tunable.

Right now it works as it is and you cannot configure it to have more replications at a time.

- There is one thread for outgoing mail
- One thread for mail file replication
- And there is one replication going on per server.

This should really improve replication performance if you have multiple databases to replicate.

Replication is a client/server operation with some latency. It should not max out a normal internet connection.
The more latency you have the more it is important to run multiple replicators at the same time.

It helps to shorten the time the total replication process needs to go thru all databases.
In total the consumed network will not increase but the replicator will leverage more bandwidth of your connection.
By intention only one replication per server (beside the mailfile and outgoing mail) is performed to ensure there is not too much load added to a server.



1Stephan H. WIssel  07.10.2010 3:07:16  Multi-Threaded Replicator in 8.5.2

There is also an Eclipse extension point so you can add your own tasks to the replicator page (this is how the Activities sync is done). That allows for nice pre/post replication processing

2Grant  12.10.2010 3:56:56  Multi-Threaded Replicator in 8.5.2

Does anyone know what the NOTES.INI setting is to change Multi-Threaded Replicator. I am experencing an issue where i replcaite multiple server LOG.NSF files and find that the Multi-Threaded Replicator experiences buffer pool full problems and generally does not work very well for a large number of large NSF files. I would like to disable and return to one replciator at a time?

Cheers Grant.

3Daniel Nashed  12.10.2010 9:53:15  Multi-Threaded Replicator in 8.5.2


we have asked IBM if there is a way to disable the new multi-threded replicator for other reasons and did not get a reply yet.

In your case maybe incresing the NSF Buffer Pool would be a good idea in general.

The standard buffer pools size on a client used to be 8 MB (should be still the case).

If you set it to a higher value like NSF_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE_MB=64 this should solve your issue and give you better performance with larger local databases.

You could even increase it above that value if you have sufficient memory but I think 64 MB would be already a good starting point for a client.

The buffer pool is responsible for NSF I/O activity and specially with large databases locally increasing the value might help.

I am running the buffer pool with 64 MB and I just took a NSD to check. On my machine with a client running for a while the buffer pool memory allocation is around 48 MB.

The Buffer Pool increases over time until it hits the configured limit. So maybe 64 MB is a good value that should work for you.

-- Daniel



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