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Daniel Nashed

Data privacy: Microsoft Word uses cloud services by default

Daniel Nashed – 30 September 2021 09:05:14

Today I learned from a friend that there is a setting in Word and potentially other applications which by default uses cloud services for functionality not everyone needs.

It's a good feature to have. But if a cloud services is used, IMHO Microsoft should be very clear about it.
This isn't new! I found a blog post for older Word versions.

Microsoft is using their own service and in general that's great to have -- if you need it and if you decide to enable it.
You find the setting in Word Options/Easy of Access

Here are details about the service ->

What concerns me most is the attitude behind it.
If this is enabled by default and that's not changed after being reported for a while, what other information might be send to cloud services without my consent?

Image:Data privacy: Microsoft Word uses cloud services by default



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