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Daniel Nashed

Important Update on Traveler iOS 8 Support -- You have to install an IF!

Daniel Nashed – 15 September 2014 20:23:53

There are some last minute changes in iOS which are only in the final version.

Apple changed the EAS Sync ID which used to match the Device ID. There has been planning for that change for a while but Apple should have introduce that change already in the Beta releases.
However this change causes issues in device mapping for the companion/todo app.

IBM released a IF for 9.0.1/ UP2 today to address this issue and added some background logic to map the device ID.

There is a ARPA describing the issue

The problem mainly occurs when you register new devices and causes issues with todo and companion app.
Existing devices with existing profiles should keep their ActiveSync Device ID. But you will run into issues with new registered users and companion/todo app.

The IF does also address a couple of other issues. Some are also iOS 8 releated.

You should update your Traveler servers ASAP.

Detlev put together a nice details description of what happens in the backend.
See his blog for additional details -->

References for fixes for all supported versions.
You should update even if you are not using the companion/todo app.

IBM should have sticked with their own rule not announcing support for something that has not yet shipped.
But we as partners and customers wanted to know in advance what version will support iOS 8.

Thanks for this very fast response from the Traveler team!
There are always changes in new software releases and I was surprised that we get a support statement before the release.

-- Daniel

9.0.1 IF6 IF7

8.5.3 UP2 IF7



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