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Daniel Nashed

Important Interim Fix Pack for all DAOS customers

Daniel Nashed – 23 April 2010 08:20:55

This fixpack has been published last night and shows up in the support alerts in Kbase today.
If you are running DAOS in your environment you should upgrade to 8.5.1 FP2 IF1

Here is an extract of TN #1426164. You can find the updates on

-- Daniel

A Review of 8.5.1 Fix Pack 2 Interim Fix 1 shows the following Fixes relate to the following OS:

This Interim fix addresses the following SPR's:

SPR Description
SRIO83LSTWDAOS corrupting attachments when creating database replica
PMAO83WTBX'tell daosmgr listnlo missing' output has malformed NLO filenames
DROO82ZJMVDAOS Catalog going into 'NEEDS RESYNC' State when dbdirman refresh hits
JFOR83MJA530+ minutes to update the ticket count in mail users database.
JPMS7YCPNJDomino crashes on StaticTermProcess when we try to OSMemoryUnlock the BLK_DAOS_CTL block.



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