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Daniel Nashed

HCL Support & Software Download

Daniel Nashed – 2 July 2019 12:28:56

On Monday I was a bit surprised to get an e-mail from IBM about support cases are getting closed because they are getting transferred to HCL.
Before 1.7 HCL did not have access to the data, so it sounds like they started to migrate yesterday.
HCL worked on it yesterday to get all the support cases imported and the user accounts created.

Yesterday afternoon I got links to my existing support cases.
Today I got an e-mail how to access my account by just using the password reset function on the new support site -->

I was surprised that not only the open cases but also my last closed cases have been transferred and I was able to open new tickets!

What will take another 1-2 days is the software download via FlexNet as far the support line told me.
But you can still download software on the IBM side right now.

I have been told that not all accounts might have been migrated yet.
So you might need to have to give it 1-2 days.

If you did not receive an e-mail and/or you have an urgent case you can contact the support center directly (see details on the support homepage -->

-- Daniel


1Jose  03.07.2019 12:23:16  HCL Support & Software Download

Hi Daniel.

Do you know what is going to happen with all the notes & domino forums.

Are they going to be transferred to hcl?

thanks in advance


2Andreas Winter  05.07.2019 7:22:07  HCL Support & Software Download

Yesterday I was looking for Notes / Domino Software in the Software Access Catalog that is part of our Partner Value Package.

I don´t find any of the Notes / Domino downloads anymore. Seems IBM has already removed them.

Hope the new partner portal at HCL will be ready soon.

3Daniel Nashed  07.07.2019 21:15:29  HCL Support & Software Download


I checked fixcentral and also the Passport Advantage website and I still find Domino software.

So customers at least can still access the software. The download should be available soon.

I have been away this week and I did not hear anything new. The software download should be available soon!

And I would not have expected the Partner World download go aware before the new download is there ..

-- Daniel

4Blaz  08.07.2019 20:51:03  HCL Support & Software Download

Notes/Domino releases 8.5 through 9.0.1 are available in Software Access Catalog, but not the versions 10.x...

5Will Nash  16.07.2019 20:04:34  HCL Support & Software Download

lucky you. I haven't been able to log into their support website or log in to download software. So.. I cannot log in to get software, and I cannot log in to create a trouble ticket saying so. I was able to request support as a "guest".. and was sent a link with a temporary password, which didn't work either using any browser.

6Daniel Nashed  21.07.2019 5:26:40  HCL Support & Software Download

@Jose, there are plans and discussions about the forums. I don't have any detailed information yet.

HCL said that they are looking into it. We discussed also about Knowledge Base and other resources.

But I don't got any information in detail yet.

-- Daniel

7Thomas Ludwig  23.07.2019 11:59:39  HCL Support & Software Download

Hello, i tried to download software at HCL, but only Sametime can be downloaded. Nothing from Notes and Domino. I have opened a ticket at HCL and HCL informed me that the software download should be possible, but the situation is the same. HCL closed my ticket without waiting for response. This is not a good situation.

8Daniel Nashed  23.07.2019 14:36:28  HCL Support & Software Download

@Thomas, lets discuss and share experiences offline.

There are some issues with the FlexNet based download site.

I haven't got luck with my account yet and my ticket is still open ..

-- Daniel

9Rene Thorarinsson  30.08.2019 13:18:54  HCL Support & Software Download

I tried to log on to passportadvantage today and found out that my userid was deleted og at least not active anymore.. I was send to some self promotion site and normally I was the one who granted access to my collegues for access to my company's software at IBM..

10Buzby  16.09.2019 15:08:08  HCL Support & Software Download

Having problems here too. Can see downloads for full versions of Notes & Domino, fix packs for Domino, but no fix packs for Notes.

I wonder if it's an entitlement thing? Our licences are based on Utility Server.

11Peyton  09.10.2019 14:55:00  HCL Support & Software Download

We are trying to access and download the Sametime 10 SDK and we can't get access to their site - and support requests are taking more than 1 week to receive basic replies.

Does anyone have any tips?


12Ignacio Manzano  13.11.2019 10:34:08  HCL Support & Software Download


Is it possible to download free HCL Lotus Notes 10 to see the new reléase?

Thanks in advance!!!

13sarvesh  25.05.2020 12:14:27  HCL Support & Software Download

trial domino 11

14Lisa Koser  14.07.2020 7:20:01  HCL Support & Software Download

Thank You

15sheetal  13.09.2023 4:02:51  HCL Support & Software Download

Wanted to explore HCL Notes for a small Cataloging application..and wanted to try the free HCL Trial version but unable to find it online. Any tips or suggestion in this matter or an alternate solution would be appreciated

16Daniel Nashed  13.09.2023 11:49:59  HCL Support & Software Download

Sadly there is no trail version I am aware of.

As a business parnter you could use the partner pack. but I am not sure if you qualify as a HCL partner.



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