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Daniel Nashed

Hot news: HCL Domino V12 Early Access Program

Daniel Nashed – 9 September 2020 05:49:53

The new early access program for Domino V12 went live yesterday.

At the same time we had a #dnug47online session about it and HCL showed the first Code drop.

HCL Ambassadors got early hands on a first code drop and the program is now open all customers an partners with no separate registration -- the software is available on Flexnet.

Image:Hot news: HCL Domino V12 Early Access Program

This is really different from the last betas. We get early access to new functionality on design partner level.

This beta leverages the Linux platform on Docker for easier deployment. There will be a separate full beta with all the different platforms.

Docker will be new for many customers and partners more focused on Windows.

But I would see this s a chance to look into modern exciting technology.

As you might know from my blog posts, I have a strong Docker on Domino focus and if someone needs a jump start, I have a presentation to share, with a lot of details how to get started.

Here is the link the official HCL blog post:

I hope to see many of you in the forum.

-- Daniel


1Pierre Lalonde  10.09.2020 20:27:22  Hot news: HCL Domino V12 Early Access Program

Thanks for sharing Daniel. I'd be interesting in your Domino on Docker presentation.

Do you run DonD in a live environment? If so, how is it?


2Daniel Nashed  11.09.2020 14:45:11  Hot news: HCL Domino V12 Early Access Program

Hi Pierre,

yes we have customers and partners using containers in production.

Not all of them are on Docker. We have partners and customers using it successfully with Kubernetes and OpenShift.

It's also great for QE environments and development environments.

We are using our community project which is easier and more flexible to install and has support for all those platforms.

I sent you the presentation.

-- Daniel

3Marko Syrjälä  18.11.2020 15:12:12  Hot news: HCL Domino V12 Early Access Program


I've been working with Domino stuff since the release 3.0. Would love test and learn what this upcoming release will look an feel like?

4Khandakar Amir Faisal  07.08.2022 8:59:15  Hot news: HCL Domino V12 Early Access Program

Just for information, is it reliable to upgrade to HCL Domino V12.0.2 Early Access in a production environment for 5-10K users?

5Daniel Nashed  08.08.2022 8:21:58  Hot news: HCL Domino V12 Early Access Program

@Khandakar Amir Faisal, no an early access build is a beta build.

And it is not recommended to use beta software in production.

Actually the beta/EAP license explictly restricts that.

Of course I am running EAP builds in production in my own environments.

But that's a different story.

-- Daniel



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