End Of General Availability of the Free vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi 7.x and 8.x)
Daniel Nashed – 15 March 2024 22:12:49
Broadcom pulled the plug on VMware's most well known base level project used by many home office users.
Admins also used it to learn to use the basic functionality working with it at home.
A 60 days trial license of the full product is not the same experience then using it for own home office operations.
Free access to the base technology was a great move of VMware IMHO.
Beside all the changes Broadcom did in the partner program, OEMs, the portfolio, this sounds like the one that will have the biggest long term impact.
This might not interest the current steak holders who get their bonus on short term profit increase.
It could be the final start for many IT professionals and companies to look for alternate solutions.
Linux provides kernel level virtualization "KVM" which is used in other great products like the Proxmox server.
The internet is powered by Linux and native virtualization.
Short term profit alone isn't sustainable for a company. Loosing the base in the community will kick back sooner or later.
You can expect more posts from me about other virtualization technologies.
Another interesting blog post came up in private discussions --> https://www.theregister.com/2022/05/30/broadcom_strategy_vmware_customer_impact/
Maximizing the ROI ins understandable. But I am not sure if this strategy will work longer term -- even for those customers it is harder to move.
Maybe those companies who can't be move that easy will still look for alternate solutions, because they can't risk to put all they eggs in one basked.
-- Daniel
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