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Daniel Nashed

Domino Release/Fixpack/InterimFix - What is it and how to install

Daniel Nashed – 20 December 2024 19:15:27

The following write up was on my todo list for a while.

But because of the current Interim Fix you should apply, I want to provide some details which might help to give a deeper understanding and to install fixes.

The new Domino 14 AutoUpdate feature knows about all the details of Releass/FP/IF/HF installers.

Join the January OpenNTF webinar to learn about what AutoUpdate can do to help you with automatically updates starting with Domino 14.5.

Most important take away

The most important take away from this write-up is that a previous hotfix (HF) must be uninstalled with the same  HF installer it has been installed.

An uninstall is always required before installing a new FP or IF/HF.

Therefore you should leave the hotfix installer on the server for uninstalling it later.

When you run the HF installer for a second time, the HF is uninstalled.

There is no explicit switch for install or uninstall.

Domino 14.5 AutoInstall distributes the IF installer for uninstall automatically. But it cannot provide customer specific HF installers.

Domino Release

A Domino release is usually shipped once per year (like in the last releases) or 18 month from what the current schedule looks like for Domino 14.5.

It contains new major features and new versions of software components like a new Java version which needs significant work and additional testing.

A release contains new template versions for system and application databases. This also includes translated templates.
Releases are numbers according to a semantic versioning schema.

For example: 12.0.1, 12.0.2, 14.0, 14.5

Each release is a separate code stream as you can see for builds available in early access code drops.

For example: V1450_12042024

Releases use the InstallAnywhere installer and can be installed on any existing release.

The installer takes care of uninstalling previous versions independent of which FP/IF/HF is installed..

Domino Fixpack (FP)

"A fixpack is collection of low-risk, high-impact fixes to help customers safely avoid known issues".

It might also contain smaller feature enhancements which did not make it into the release.
But a fixpack is mainly a "maintenance pack".

The current schedule based on what we have seen for 14.0 is around 4 month.

Fixpacks contain also fixes for example for iNotes Forms9.nsf. (Note Domino 14.5 will replace iNotes with Verse which is included in Domino already since Domino 14).

No translated templates are part of a fixpack. But for critical errors templates are distributed separately. For example in a technote article.

The naming of a Fixpack is "FP" with with a consecutive number.

For example: 14.0FP3

The next Fixpack for a code stream contains all fixes of the previous Fixpack.

Fixes in a Fixpack are also expected to be in the next major release.

Fixpacks use an HCL own installer which can detect Releases, Fixpacks and Hotfixes.

The Fixpack installer can be installed on the matching Release or a previous Fixpack.

The installer is able to uninstall an existing Fixpack before installing the new Fixpack.
But the installer cannot uninstall a IF or HF.

Domino Hotfix (HF)

A hotfix is a critical fix usually for a single SPR for a single customer.

In some special cases a customer needs multiple SPRs in a "combo-hotfix" distributed as a single HF.

This changes are mostly added to the next Releases and Fixpacks to be available for all customers.

Two different Hotfixes might contain completely different fixes.

Those fixes are exclusively distributed by HCL support to customers.

Hotfixes should be only installed on the server which needs this specific fix and should not be shared between customers and partners.

As soon the fixes are available on a Fixpack it is recommended to update to the Fixpack.

The naming schema is "HF" and a consecutive hotfix number per Release and Fixpack combination.

Example: 14.0FP3HF8

The number of the hotfix cannot be used to find out if the fix is related to another fix.

Information about the fix are provided by HCL when making the Hotfix available.

Hotfixes use a different custom HCL installer which can detect Releases, Fixpacks and Hotfixes.

The installer can only update the version which exactly matches the Release/Fixpack combination.
It might be targeted to a Release or a Fixpack.

The same HF installer (web-kit) is required to uninstall an installed HF.

To replace a HF you have to use this installer or install a new release, which replaces all binaries.

Note: Fixes for Hotfix are not automatically added to the next Fixpack or Release.

Customers should check with HCL support if the fix is still required for the next Release or Fixpack.

Domino Interim Fix (IF)

A Domino Interim Fix can contain one or multiple fixes. An "IF" is a naming convention mapping to different HFs per platform.

IFs are created when important fixes have to be distributed to customers outside the normal Fixpack schedule available on the MHS portal (

The next IF contains all fixes from the previous IF for the same Release/Fixpack combination.

Fixes in an IF are expected to be in the next fixpack and release.

The naming schema is "IF" and a consecutive interim fix number per Release and Fixpack combination.

Example: 14.0FP3IF2

IFs are just a naming convention. The names are a bit different. But it is basically the same type of installer.

From the install web kit file and the installed software you cannot tell what the IF name is.


Domino 14 Autoupdate knows about IF and HF combinations.

- Software documents contain HF and IF labels
- Distributing and installing software is based on the IF labeling

- Autoupdate selects the right HF per platform when distributing or installing software

- The target versions and the server document contain HF and IF labels

Domino Container Image

- The Domino Container Image also knows about the dependencies.

- But because container images are always installed cleanly from scratch, there is no uninstall needed.

- The container image always provides the latest version. The installation menu is preset to the latest version automatically.



    • [HCL Domino]
    • [Domino on Linux]
    • [Nash!Com]
    • [Daniel Nashed]