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Daniel Nashed

Domino AutoUpdate AUT Catalog integration in action

Daniel Nashed – 17 April 2024 22:02:53

When the new integration is enabled, client web-kits are just pushed to AUT Catalog.
The push will also happen for existing web-kits once the document is updated with data containing the Metadata XML.

No manual steps needed. The documents and the new view have a button to directly jump into AUT Catalog.

The button on top only shows up for software pushed to AUT Catalog.

AUT Catalog sometimes has multiple documents for the same web-kit.

For example the Standard and All Client (Admin/Design client) needs the same FP.

Or the 32bit to 64bit client packages are also a separate file and product document in autocat.nsf

Domino AutoUpdate knows all of the web-kits and dependencies and pushes documents accordingly.

It will also correct missing documents. It uses the AUT Catalog hash to ensure software is only pushed once.
And also knows about the language versions of web-kits.

-- Daniel

Image:Domino AutoUpdate AUT Catalog integration in action



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