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Daniel Nashed

Domino 9.0.1 FP9 SMTP Issue

Daniel Nashed – 30 August 2017 21:15:56
Last Friday a friend contacted me about a SMTP issue. I was able to reproduce the root cause of the issue but the emails I receive still look OK.
So it depends on your STMP configuration how much impact this issue has in your infrastructure with FP9.

In my environment I see in my SpamGeek log database that sender and recipient information contains some garbage chars at the beginning of the string.

This can cause that the header information might get corrupted. We don't know exactly how this happens and why it has different impact in different environments. The issue we see is cross platform (verified on Windows and Linux).

I have an open PMR since Friday escalated to L3 and I got a test hotfix today, which corrected the header. This confirmed that one of changes in FP9 caused this regression. But I don't know yet if this first fix was just a test fix that reverted the behavior or was a final fix.

So if you did not yet update your SMTP server to FP9, you should wait until this issue is fixed.

Update 1.9.2017:

Got the information from IBM that the test fix they did removed one SPR included in FP9.

Here is the description for this SPR:

SPR# TPON949L2M - Fixed an issue where encoded phrases may have embedded delimiters after decoding -- e.g., the comma (',') in Ziffle, Fred causes an error for Notes.  Fix is to unconditionally quote the decoded phrase:  "Ziffle, Fred"

It's still not clear what they are going to do. I would expect that they change the fix and because many customers are affected I would also expect this to be included in a IF soon.

For now we have the hotfix available if you need to upgrade to FP9 now.

If you want to request the hotfix. My PMR number is PMR# 25337,999,724

I will continue post updates once I have more details.

-- Daniel


1Adam Osborne  01.09.2017 0:20:15  Domino 9.0.1 FP9 SMTP Issue

Thanks for letting us all know about this issue. Can you share the PMR number or any details about the issue ? Cheers

2Bob Voith  01.09.2017 5:11:27  Domino 9.0.1 FP9 SMTP Issue

Thanks for the heads-up! I was about to upgrade today, so this was just in time!

3Wiesław Drabik  01.09.2017 10:33:41  Domino 9.0.1 FP9 SMTP Issue

When i installed FP9,  problem with smtp appeared.

I have the following errors on console: SMTP Server: Message rejected. Authenticated user Administrator Administrator/Polsat from host 192.168.x.x sending mail from> ». failed to match directory address

When i removed form notes.ini SMTPVerifyAuthenticatedSender=1 and problem was gone.

4Ralph Belfiore  01.09.2017 11:12:50  Domino 9.0.1 FP9 SMTP Issue

Hallo Daniel,

vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung ! Es freut mich, wenn ich mit meinem Hinweis unterstützen kann, diesen Fehler zu beheben.

- Ralph -

5Friedhelm Klein  04.09.2017 10:54:46  Domino 9.0.1 FP9 SMTP Issue

Hi Daniel,

does RFC822StripUnquotedDelimiters=1 help removing the garbage seperators?

6Chris  06.09.2017 9:33:29  Domino 9.0.1 FP9 SMTP Issue

Same issue here since 22.08.17.

PMR# 30120,077,724

Got a test fix from IBM Level 3 support today which solved the issue on OpenSuse 13.2.

- Cheers, Chris -

7Jay Marme  11.09.2017 16:44:24  Domino 9.0.1 FP9 SMTP Issue

Is the issue related to LO92949: SMTPVERIFYAUTHENTICATEDSENDER=1 CAUSES TO ADDRESS TO BE MALFORMED (all caps are in the original). Would the absence of this parameter explain why the issue is not seen at all customer sites?

8Andreas Imnitzer  12.09.2017 14:27:36  Domino 9.0.1 FP9 SMTP Issue

Thank you, Daniel. Just in time before our admin was about to upgrade tonight.

9Daniel Nashed  14.09.2017 4:46:36  Domino 9.0.1 FP9 SMTP Issue


the issue has to do with this SPR that is fixed in FP9.

In the hotfix I got, IBM removed the SPR and they are working on a solution.

SPR# TPON949L2M - Fixed an issue where encoded phrases may have embedded delimiters after decoding -- e.g., the comma (',') in Ziffle, Fred causes an error for Notes. Fix is to unconditionally quote the decoded phrase: "Ziffle, Fred"

10Tihomir Pantovic  15.09.2017 19:39:43  Domino 9.0.1 FP9 SMTP Issue

IBM_ICSsupport: Fix Available: SMTP regression issue in Domino 9.0.1 FP9 can cause malformed headers & prevent Internet mail…



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