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Daniel Nashed

Docker Workshop preparation done

Daniel Nashed – 6 May 2019 21:42:43
The is a Docker Workshop from DNUG in Frankfurt this week on Thursday -->
Thomas Hampel and myself are doing hands-on part. From scratch installing CentOS, Docker CE and also Domino on Docker.

Between working on the IBM Docker Domino Script (, my Backup Solution and customer projects I setup a lab environment.
I learned a lot specific details about CentOS software mirrors, Docker installations, Git repositories and some fancy DNS and DHCP stuff etc.

For this workshop I got an new Intel NUC which is very small but quite beautiful hardware.
I got the right new model working with a ESXi Server and installed the current version 6.7.

On that box I added couple VMs to host a complete local environment in a local LAN and WLAN which does not need any internet connection during the workshop.

CentOS Server with NGINX for
  • CentOS software mirror for CentOS package install & updates
  • Download Server for CentOS ISO image and all other software

Docker Host for three images (2 ip addresses)
  • Local Docker Registry acting as a proxy to host all required images for the workshop
  • Local Git Server to mirror the official IBM Domino Docker repository
  • Local documentation mirror for the Docker documentation

Another CentOS Server to provide general services
  • Local DNS Server for the local domain and as a DNS forwarder
  • Dedicated DHCP Server, because the DHCP server provided by the WLAN router wasn't flexible enough

This preparation will hopefully make the hands-on part of the workshop quite interesting.
We will go thru all the details installing CentOS, Docker and Domino on Docker and will have time to look into administration, maintenance and other details.

Having prepared this environment will allow future workshops with similar workshops for example on customer site or other events ;-)

For everyone who is interested, see the detailed technical information below.

-- Daniel

Technical details key components for the LAB environment

Here are the technical details about what I used for the lab. There is a lot more like the DNS server and the DHCP server.
But most of it is from CentOS out of the box. I played with newer compiled Git clients from the sources. But finally used all software in the version that is shipped with CentOS 7.6.
In addition I am using the current Docker CE edition. The repository is also added to the local CentOS mirror.

Intel NUC -- A small server with almost everything needed.

The only missing part is a second LAN card. But there are USB LAN cards.

ESXi 6.7 Server

Works well on the small NUC which runs a  Intel® Core™ i3

USB Network Card

ESXi does not support USB network cards out of the box.
And it does also not support the WLAN interface included in the NUC.

But there is a quite new project for a new driver that has been released this year.

CentOS 7.6 installed from Minimum ISO

All VMs are running CentOS 7.6

Software Server and Mirror

Runs on NGINX with some special scripts to sync and build the CentOS repository files

Docker Registry Proxy

A Docker image that runs a Docker registry, which can be used in proxy mode and "caches" downloaded images

Docker Documentation

A Docker image which runs a documentation server with the full Docker documentation.
The whole documentation you find on the Docker website is really inside this Docker container.

Git Server

Small Git server with nice web front end. Runs also inside a Docker container!

OpenWRT Project

The router I am using for optional internet connectivity via LAN to WLAN bridge doesn't have great software.

But it can be updated to OpenWRT (

So this update allows any type of flexible configuration. I can connect the LAN port to the NUC and use the WLAN to bridge to a hot spot if really needed.

I had a lot of fun over the last weekends building this and looking into technical details.




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