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Daniel Nashed

DNUG local meetup / Stammtisch Rhein-Ruhr 22.02.2024 in Monheim

Daniel Nashed – 19 February 2024 12:05:09
Image:DNUG local meetup / Stammtisch Rhein-Ruhr 22.02.2024 in Monheim

Beside the larger DNUG events, there are regional meet-ups.
This time in Monheim a smaller town next to my home town.

DNUG local meet-ups are very informal and open to anyone. Not just DNUG members! Anyone is welcome !!

Beside the short Domino AutoUpdate presentation the focus is everything that's new in Domino 12.0.x and 14.0. And any topic you want to discuss.

If you are close to this location, it is definitely worth joining us.
An informal event is also a great opportunity to ask off the record questions ..

Right now we are a small number of people. But we will meet in any case.

-- Daniel



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