CertMgr Domino 12.0.1 List all currently used TLS Credentials
Daniel Nashed – 18 October 2021 07:31:27
Starting with Domino 12.0.1 Beta 2 you can show all currently used TLS Credentials on a server.
This helps to understand which TLS Credentials this particular user is currently using and reflects what is in the TLS Cache of each servertask.
The command is a server tell command ("tell certmgr show certs") on the CertMgr server and can be used via "load certmgr -showcerts" on other Window and Linux servers as well.
It shows also the kyr file name and expiration.
The Subject key identifier is shortened and just intended as reference to always find the right document in certstore.nsf.
See my example below...
-- Daniel
PS: I am using the KeyFile as a Tag in some cases and I am omitting the .kyr.
The kyr name is is only a virtual name not a physical file any more to allow mapping Internet sites to TLS Credential documents.
load certmgr -showcerts
Subject key identifier Key info Expiration KeyFile/Tag Host names (SANs)
30D8 7A17 9BA0 CA6E ... RSA 4096 64,9 days keyfile.kyr *.nashcom.de
07BB 3F58 13D7 4322 ... NIST P-256 64,9 days *.nashcom.de
9A98 A7EE 88BE 4200 ... NIST P-256 25,6 days notes.nashcom.de
4054 7282 65BC 23D5 ... RSA 4096 35,2 days mail1.bücher.nashcom.de mail2.bücher.nashcom.de mail3.bücher.nashcom.de [+1]
C71F CF82 4508 E456 ... RSA 4096 63,8 days rsa_domino_lab_net *.domino-lab.net
32BA 66E5 CC03 1E00 ... NIST P-256 56,9 days *.csi-domino.com
CD47 55CF 76C3 E3CF ... RSA 4096 57,0 days wild-csi-rsa *.csi-domino.com
19BB B3AA 5D90 7A6C ... NIST P-256 62,3 days jupiter.csi-domino.com
FEE0 5F49 34F7 BEC0 ... NIST P-256 119,6 days harbor.nashcom.de
73BC 43EB 0EB9 2CB5 ... NIST P-256 49,1 days dnug.nashcom.de
10 TLS Credentials
18.10.2021 09:35:09 CertMgr: Shutdown
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