Certificate ASN.1 Decoding online
Daniel Nashed – 14 February 2024 21:02:48
Now that I posted the TLS 1.2 interactive information side today, some of you might also want to get details out of certificates.
Certificates are usually public information. So it should be OK to paste them into the website https://asn1js.eu/.
But there is a GitHub project referenced and you could run it also locally.
The inner guts of certificates are presented in ASN.1. When you ever has looked at OpenSSL C code, you will recognize the structures.
The interactive parser can be quite helpful if you ever need to leave the normal path working with OpenSSL command line converting certs between PEM, DER, PKCS12 and other formats.
The ASN.1 form is basically what you get when you convert to DER. It's a binary format fun to read. But usually you don't have to look at it. The normal OpenSSL code and other security libs hide most of the complexity.
On the website you also find some examples of certificates you can load.
-- Daniel
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