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Daniel Nashed

Windows Sandbox name resolution

Daniel Nashed – 27 May 2023 13:57:13

The Windows Sandbox is a quite helpful tool. I would wish there would be more documentation.

I had a issue with name resolution and it turned out to be quite weird.

Host name resolution comes from host computer

The host file of the sandbox isn't fully used. The sandbox is designed to work closely with the host network, which also includes host name resolution.

This means that host file entries are coming from the host computer!

The virtual DNS server uses the host computer host file and your host DNS to resolve names.

Edge browser also checks Windows sandbox host file

This wasn't quite clear to me, because Microsoft Edge browser somehow also uses host entries from the sandbox.

Use case running your Domino and Nomad server inside Windows sandbox

I my case I wanted Nomad web to work inside the sandbox and it needs the host name entry to dispatch traffic to the Domino server over it's FQDN.
For Nomad web I deployed a static mapping in the Nomad configuration as a work-around.

But because there are also other parts of Domino like the server controller and server console client application, I did some more research and found to the entry must be in the host computer's host file.

So you just need to add your test server's FQDN into your hosts file on your local computer before starting the Windows sandbox.
This is usually not a problem, since you can have multiple entries for an IP address like
But still it needs admin permissions to update the host file in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Example: domino14.dominolab.loc

-- Daniel


1Martin Vogel  04.03.2024 11:23:08  Windows Sandbox name resolution

Thank you Daniel for the hint - works perfect :-)

2Jan BubĂ­k  02.08.2024 7:36:02  Windows Sandbox name resolution

Both DNS resolution and HOSTS file lookups are relayed from Sandbox VM to the host machine. It is implemented in DnsCache service and affects all programs in the Sandbox unless they query DNS directly (nslookup.exe does). But there is a registry setting to turn this feature off. DnsCache service must be restarted after such change. Use these commands in your scripts to use local DNS resolver inside the Sandbox:

reg.exe add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Containers" /v SendDnsToHost /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

taskkill /f /fi "SERVICES eq DnsCache"

Please note I discovered these settings in Windows 10 22H2 as of August 2024 and they may not work in previous or future releases.



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