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Daniel Nashed

Updating to Domino 11 FP3 in 30 seconds

Daniel Nashed – 8 April 2021 13:49:54

Domino 11.0.1 FP3 has been released and I added FP3 to our Docker Community GitHub project in the develop tree today.

To update my servers I have created custom image.

I first ran the standard
./ domino.
Afterwards I used the new domino_container script to build an add-on image containing my NashCom Tools and pushed it to my JForg registry.

From there I can pull it on any of my servers.

domino_container script provides configuration options to specify all parameters including an image name.
In this case I changed the image name, but an update will work the same way also with the same image name.

After pulling the image, the
domino_container inspect command shows the current and the new version.
To update my server I just run it again with  
domino_container update.

This command does the following:

- Stops the container (which is running the domino start script inside)

- Removes the container

- Runs a new container with the new image

.. and the Docker image automatically takes care applying the new templates (if any -- not in a fixpack)

Let me share the output from my production server below.

There isn't a full documentation for the domino container script yet. But I have a couple of BPs already using it.

Also in our DNUG Container workshop -- after all the other theory and hands-on with Docker and K8s -- we will also have a brief look into the container script.

It really simplifies Domino on Docker & Podman deployments.

Workshop link with  few seats left -->

Before I forget.. Here is the link to the FP3 fixlist -->

-- Daniel

domino_container inspect

(Using config file /etc/sysconfig/domino_container)

Info: New Image Version available!


Runtime        :  Podman 2.2.1

Status         :  running

Health         :  healthy

Started        :  30.03.2021 12:51:43

Name           :  domino-nashcom

Current Image  :  localhost/nashcom/domino:latest

New Image      :

Version CNT    :  11.0.1FP2

Version IMG    :  11.0.1FP3

Domino Ver CNT :  11.0.1FP2

Domino Ver IMG :  11.0.1FP3

BuildTime CNT  :  30.03.2021 12:50:03

BuildTime IMG  :  08.04.2021 15:26:20

Hostname       :

Volumes        :  /local/podman/local

Mounts         :  /local


Container ID   :  d33faab27a09

Image-ID CNT   :  db7126714fe7

Image-ID IMG   :  a78a7e5f38ed


Image Size     :  1652 MB

NetworkMode    :  host

Driver         :  overlay

[root@notes domino-docker]# domino_container update

(Using config file /etc/sysconfig/domino_container)

Info: New Image Version available!

Updating Container [domino-nashcom] ...

Stopping Container ...

Stopping systemd domino_container.service

Creating & starting new Container [domino-nashcom] ...

Starting systemd domino_container.service

Successfully updated Container [domino-nashcom]

[root@notes domino-docker]# domino_container inspect

(Using config file /etc/sysconfig/domino_container)


Runtime        :  Podman 2.2.1

Status         :  running

Health         :  healthy

Started        :  08.04.2021 15:32:32

Name           :  domino-nashcom

Image          :

Version        :  11.0.1FP3

Domino Ver     :  11.0.1FP3

BuildTime      :  08.04.2021 15:26:20

Hostname       :

Volumes        :  /local/podman/local

Mounts         :  /local


Container ID   :  ede855e4652c

Image-ID       :  a78a7e5f38ed


Image Size     :  1652 MB

NetworkMode    :  host

Driver         :  overlay

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