Traveler Issues with Attachments containing special chars after updating to 9.0.1 IF6
Daniel Nashed – 27 September 2014 10:57:17
Before leaving for holidays last week the first customer contacted me about issues with attachments that have blanks, umlauts or other characters in the attachment name.
I could not reproduce it on iOS but on Android but without the error message in the log that he got.
Meanwhile it is clear that this issue affects all devices types and there is a fix that should hopefully address this problem.
IBM is working on a new IF to address the issue and also possible other related issues but meanwhile if you need to install IF6 for full iOS 8 support (issues with calendar, companion app) before the new IF is released you should request a fix from IBM by opening a PMR.
There is a ARPA LO82085 describing the problem but it is just mentioning the "+" sign. But the problem is more general.
Reference for this ARPA is -->
Here is a sample error message
19.09.2014 07:14:09 Notes Traveler: WARNING
In addition that you cannot open those attachments on mobile devices we noticed a higher CPU utilization which should be related to this problem and can be a lot higher.
Hopefully we get a new IF soon. I will keep you posted...
Update 28.9.2014: There are multiple hotfixes for different issues and not all problems are solved.
If you don't use the companion or todo app you should stay on 9.0.1 IF5 and wait for IF7.
The problem(s) seem to be more complicated to fix.
-- Daniel
- Comments [1]
1Ingo Spichal 29.09.2014 10:52:53 Traveler Issues with Attachments containing special chars after updating to 9.0.1 IF6
there are 2 new client releases for Android (see new client on Google Play, Both are fixing most of the problem (space, german umlauts, etc.).
Unfortunately they don't fix the problem with the + symbol in the file name.
There is a server fix for this, but I didn't tested it yet.
Kind regards
Ingo Spichal