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Daniel Nashed

Traveler iOS 8 Support

Daniel Nashed – 10 September 2014 15:23:05
Update: IBM released and IF to address some last minute fixes required for iOS 8!!

See this blog post for details


iOS is released soon (hopefully 17.9 for existing devices) and I already got some customer questions about it.

There is a technote describing the Traveler support for iOS 8.

The good news everything should work fine and new app versions for iOS are on their way.

Traveler supports iOS 8 with 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 2 and higher but I would highly recommend that you update to the latest and greates release 9.0.1 IF5 anyway.

Only the latest IFs will recognize iOS 8 correctly because they have the build-in codes for the new OS release.

See all details in the official support technote

-- Daniel
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