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Daniel Nashed

Traveler 9.0.1 IF1 is back on the download site

Daniel Nashed – 26 November 2013 06:32:11
IBM found another issue that they have fixed in this build.
That's why they have pulled back the download that was there for a short time.

Here is the additional ARPA listed for 9.0.1 IF1.

-- Daniel

APAR # Component Abstract
LO78022external link Server Update all instances of a repeating event from mobile device and may loose description info.


1Detlev Poettgen  26.11.2013 17:39:56  Traveler 9.0.1 IF1 is back on the download site

May be the release of the IBM Notes Traveler Companion App for Windows Phones today, was another reason.

2Daniel Nashed  26.11.2013 23:01:38  Traveler 9.0.1 IF1 is back on the download site

@Detlev, there are no additional fixes listed but that could be another reason -- I agree because not all are always listed ...



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