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Daniel Nashed

Traveler 9.0.1 IF1 available

Daniel Nashed – 22 November 2013 13:22:45
There have been some issues with Traveler 9.0.1. The most ciritcal issue was (LO77840) that if you marked a mail with the followup function the mail was updated with the device user's principal -- which let the mail look as sent from yourself.

IF1 fixes the following issues and you should update asap.
The IF is not yet available but should be available later today. The fixlist information is already listed on the IBM website.

-- Daniel

Note: Notes Traveler 9.0.1 IF1 includes all APAR fixes delivered in ALL previous releases in addition to the APARs listed here.

APAR # Component Abstract
LO77507 Server Server restart or show user may cause brief window where lookup from Android device fails.
LO77523 Server Tables reformatted in Chair's calendar event when using BB10 devices.
LO77585 Server Expire user based log settings for performance improvements.
LO77663 Server Draft folder may show items tagged as ExcludeFromView.
LO77840 Server Mark mail as Follow Up on mobile device may set recipient to Principal field in the document.
LO77846 Server User receives Traveler Access Rights error if read/unread mark syncing not enabled in mail file.
LO77889 Server SQL Exception possible when upgrading to Notes Traveler 9.0.1.x


1Miguel Angel Calvo  22.11.2013 14:16:33  Traveler 9.0.1 IF1 available

Hi Daniel,

Any information regarding LP for 9.0.1 ?


2Daniel Nashed  23.11.2013 7:31:40  Traveler 9.0.1 IF1 available

update: the fixlist is there and IBM said that IF1 will be available soon but it is still not available on fixcentral.

3Daniel Nashed  25.11.2013 23:22:21  Traveler 9.0.1 IF1 available

apparently there has been another issue in IF1 so they pulled it back.

there should be an updated version soon -- I am also waiting for it to appear on FixCentral ..

-- Daniel



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