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Daniel Nashed

TODO Application for iOS and Android with Traveler 8.5.3 UP2

Daniel Nashed – 14 December 2012 14:07:54

Traveler 8.5.3 UP2 was quite a surprise and nobody really expected new functionality before x-mas.
Quite a nice pre-x-mas present :-) Thanks to the Traveler team!

Once you installed the new version the updated Android app has a new Todo application part.
On iOS you need to install a separate application which looks good on iPad and iPhone.

You have to specify server URL and account settings.
The app has a separate connection and shows up as separate device in your device list.

Here is a link for the app ->




1RenĂ© Winkelmeyer  14.12.2012 17:32:32  TODO Application for iOS and Android with Traveler 8.5.3 UP2

Daniel, the ToDo application doesn't show up as a dedicated device. It's hidden from the regular views.

2Daniel Nashed  27.12.2012 13:28:09  TODO Application for iOS and Android with Traveler 8.5.3 UP2

Rene, is right. We spoke offline. I am running two servers. The todo sync was on a different server than the PIM sync.

In that case the sync for the todo is not hidden. On a normal configuration you should only see one device. The other device is hidden internally.

But technically in the background they are handled as two different devices. And if you run it on different server you can see that.

Thanks Rene, for pointing that out!

-- Daniel



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