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Daniel Nashed

Running multiple Notes Clients at the same time

Daniel Nashed – 15 October 2009 10:09:24

At some point in the Notes 8.x code stream running multiple clients with different version did not work reliable any more on my machine.
I had all kind of lock issues running a 8.5 client next to a 7.0.3 client including complete locks of both clients and my whole desktop.
Looks like there has been a low level change which causes those kind of issues in some situations.

Yes it is not supported and I would not use a configuration like this for any end-user work-station. But I want to keep my two clients.
I know I could use VMware (I am doing this successfully on Mac with VMware fusion and on Ubuntu with VirtualBox which both have great desktop integration options).

It looks like the same notes.ini parameter which is required on Citrix to run more than one user also helps on my workstation to run both clients in parallel.

After enabling notes.ini DEBUG_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DISABLE=1 both clients work again.

Not sure if this always helps but it looks like a requirement similar to what we have on Citrix.
I am interested to hear your experiences with and without this parameter.

-- Daniel

PS: Running or even having installed more than one Notes client is totally unsupported ...


1Rick VanGameren  24.10.2009 1:29:26  Running multiple Notes Clients at the same time

It's been working for me to run 8.5.1 installed (launched first) and 7.0.3 Nomad launched second - no config tweaks used.

2Fred Janssen  24.10.2009 12:46:59  Running multiple Notes Clients at the same time

Has anyone been successful in running multiple 8.5.x clients in parallel?

3Fred Janssen  24.10.2009 12:48:49  Running multiple Notes Clients at the same time

I meant the Standard client off course, with admin & designer.

4Thomas Lang  27.10.2009 8:32:34  Running multiple Notes Clients at the same time

I'm also using standard 8.5.1 client (incl. Designer and Admin) parallel with two 7.0.3 clients.

I installed the 8.5.1 client and copied the 7.0.3 program and data directories to my local harddrive (without installation).

As Rick wrote 8.5.1 must me launched first. Then everything works fine without any issues.

5Daniel Nashed  27.10.2009 15:17:23  Running multiple Notes Clients at the same time

DEBUG_GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DISABLE=1 is default starting with 8.5.1 That explains why you are not having issues. My posting was done before 8.5.1 shipped.

So it should work better out of the box with 8.5.1 :-)

-- Daniel

6Thomas Lang  28.10.2009 10:19:40  Running multiple Notes Clients at the same time

I used this configuration also with 8.5.0 without any issues...

7Dan Silva  29.07.2015 16:47:31  Running multiple Notes Clients at the same time

Daniel, do you have any tips on how to configure this?



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