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Daniel Nashed

Quick change to default font with smart icon

Daniel Nashed – 2 February 2020 14:50:16

The Notes standard Client has a short list of last used fonts. It's not exactly working like the last languages in the propery box of the document.
And it isn't available in the basic client, which is still what I am using, because of performance ..

Most of the times I have to set back the font from something else to Default Sans Serif.

So after all those years I came up with a simple smart icon, which sets the current selected text to Default Sans Serif

@Command([TextSetFontFace];@GetMachineInfo ([EnvVariable];"NAMEDSTYLE1_FACE"))

By the way the button is using a not so well documented @function which gets a notes.ini variable in @formula that doesn't have to start with a $.

For me this will be a huge time saver.  

I would wish I could set the standard for past to text only instead of having a 3 keys short cut for plain text.

You can take this one step further and change the font for the whole body field with one click...

@Command([TextSetFontFace];@GetMachineInfo ([EnvVariable];"NAMEDSTYLE1_FACE"));
@Command( [EditDeselectAll] );

-- Daniel


1Mark Maden  03.02.2020 15:06:05  Quick change to default font with smart icon

Thanks Daniel,

I have now got myself a shiny new smart icon.

2Ramazan Salpagarov  03.02.2020 17:41:32  Quick change to default font with smart icon


It will save more time of me!



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