Official IBM Domino Mobile Apps Beta finally started
Daniel Nashed – 4 November 2018 13:45:39
Now that the beta is public we can finally show it and you can have a look on your own. I wasn't sure I am allowed to speak about it in public. That's why I did not post anything yet.
Here is the link to the beta registration -->
And a link to the beta documentation -->
When you apply for the beta, you get a TestFlight invitation from IBM which allows you to download and install it.
Update: The registration changed a bit after the beta went live.
The pre-registered uses have been queued and we got email notifications.
When you register today you should follow the link directly from your iPad. Once you filled out the form you are directly redirected to the TestFlight app.
In the app you don't have to specify a reedem code. You just close the keyboard and scroll down to continue.
Thomas has a screen print in his blog post to show how it looks like ->
The client for the iPad is a native application that is intended to run basic client applications which are written in Lotus Script and @Forumlas.
Just Java code isn't supported because Apple does not allow Java code on iOS devices.
The application is a separate port based on the client binaries and IBM/HCL are also intending to work on an Android version with the same functionality.
The app intended to run all your existing apps and brings a rapid application development option for new apps to your iPad!
Two Apps - Don't be confused!
There will be two different offerings that will be technically the same app.
1. IBM Domino Mobile Apps
This app is intended for customers in maintenance with entitlement to the new client
2. HCL Nomad
This app is a separate paid offering from HCL
Both applications are technically the same. But they will be offered to the market in different ways.
So the one that is available for beta testing is IBM Domino Mobile Apps.
Bringing your Notes.ID to the app
The best way would be to leverage ID Vault. The client is ID Vault enabled and you can deploy your by specifying your name and the correct password.
If you don't have an ID Vault you have to upload your ID via iTunes which is quite complicated and might only work for admins haven a first look.
So you should really use ID Vault. In fact I configured ID Vault just for that in my one person production environment (managing the download count manually in my case).
How does it look & feel
From the first builds we have seen this looks already great! There is still some functionality still pending like the action/agent menu. But beside that it's already awesome!
You can replicate applications and you see all the "hidden" features work that are build into @forumula since ever.
I have played with it and I am accessing some of my more complex applications and it works already very well! Also the newer Notes port encryption has been added which is enabled on my external server.
You should have a look into it on your own and provide feedback to IBM thru the app.
There is a menu entry "Report a Defect" which will generate an e-mail.
Results from some simple Formula-Tests
Here some interesting results from fom @formulas. This really shows that this is a real client not just a simple app.
Almost all the @functions I tested worked.
/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/86839C84-8B1A-49D7-ACE9-17EC63747EE6/Library/Preferences/Notes Preferences
@GetMachineInfo ([EnvVariable]; "Directory")
/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/2EC1C196-0F72-4546-ABAA-08120167278C/Library/Application Support
@GetMachineInfo ([MachineName])
And you can also try the following two.
The workspace made it hidden into the app but is not intended to be used right now.
There are discussions if the new recent applications page or the workspace are better to use. I would say this depends on user's peferences.
@Command( [WindowWorkspace] )
Works like expected and returns a database.
@Prompt([LocalBrowse]; "Select a file"; "1");
File operations like this ask to take a photo or to select an existing photo.
In both cases are filename is returned. So there is no direct way to select files on your device, which looks like an Apple restriction.
You really should have a look into it on your own and get your own impression!
Everyone has his own view what to test. I am usually trying to figure out how it works in the back-end.
But in this case I am also interested in how it looks and feels.
I am interested in your first feedback as well!
IMHO this is a great new way for application development on an iPad!
-- Daniel
- Comments [6]
1Dmytro 10.12.2018 17:44:50 Official IBM Domino Mobile Apps Beta finally started
Hi Daniel,
It looks really interesting.
Where can I read about system requirements?
Will it work with Domino 10?
2Daniel Nashed 12.12.2018 11:53:30 Official IBM Domino Mobile Apps Beta finally started
@Dmytro, on the Domino server side there are no special requirements.
It uses NRPC for connecting to the server. Any supported release and platform will work!
You should configure ID Vault for getting the Notes.ID into the iPad.
And on the device side you need iOS 11.4 or higher. It will only work on an iPad not on an iPhone
3Eric 20.02.2019 21:07:53 Official IBM Domino Mobile Apps Beta finally started
How is the testing going? Seems like they have been working on this for years
4Dirk 21.02.2019 8:38:49 Official IBM Domino Mobile Apps Beta finally started
It is possible to run the Domino 10 iPad Client against a 9.01 Server?
5Daniel Nashed 21.02.2019 15:57:50 Official IBM Domino Mobile Apps Beta finally started
The iPad client is technically in the backend a basic client without Java.
So it will work against older servers in the same way a newer client will work on an older server :-)
-- Daniel
6Daniel Nashed 21.02.2019 16:00:25 Official IBM Domino Mobile Apps Beta finally started
@Eric, the iPad application looks great. They are adding new functionality every day and it is almost feature complete.
You can register and use it already! There is no official ship date yet. But from what I understood we are close.
-- Daniel