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Daniel Nashed

Notes/Domino/Traveler 14.0.0 EA3 is available -- First Look

Daniel Nashed – 4 October 2023 09:08:02

Start your downloads.. The final Version 14 early access versions is available.

Most of you already know about the new My HCL software portal to download.

The new portal is in Early Access in parallel to Domino V14 and you you should try this out instead of going to Flexnet ..

Here is the direct link to the EAP download already available

It also provides links to the most important resoures like what's new and also the EAP forum!

HCL Community Domino project support for 14 EA3

I have just updated the develop and main branch with EA3

And there is something new for your to try out. Traveler is usually an add-on image.

But we added support to add Traveler and Domino Leap as a build option directly to the Domino image.

With the following command-line you can build an image with Domino and Traveler at the same time.

./ domino 14.0.0EA3 +traveler=14.0.0EA3

The Nomad server and also Verse is already included in Domino and automatically installed.

Domino Leap support for EA3.

Meanwhile also Domino Leap has been updated to a newer version. The latest version Domino Leap 1.1.2 now works on Domino V14.

There have been pending changes to work with Domino V14 and the new Java 17 version.

Features you have to try out in EA3


AdminCentral has improved with more functionality and also a lot of UI enhancements specially on mobile devices.

You should try it out on an iPad and also a phone!


AutoUpdate has been enhanced to work now hand in hand with the My HCL Software portal to download and distribute software automatically directly via autoupdate.nsf.

Take look into the documentation and check out the EAP forum for details.

Passkeys for web authentication

Passkeys have been added in EA2. If you did not take a look, you should take a look with EA3, which introduces the UI components in the standard dialog and also additional information in the passkey.nsf.

This includes device type where possible. Last login date and much other functionality.

Passkeys is an awesome new technology which Domino adopted very early. It is more secure than user/password and provides much easier log-in experience for users on desktops and mobile devices.

I will blog separately about passkeys and other features. And you should look into the EAP forum for discussions around it.

DAOS Repair in a cluster!

When repair was introduced in Domino 10, there was a small but important blind spot.
Whole database have been repaired. But individual NLOs could not be repaired.
So now in a cluster when NLOs are missing, they can be repaired from another cluster mate.

The server which is missing NLOs can pull them from another cluster mate.

Update for important security components

Another impressive detail change.

Domino again updates OpenSSL to a very recent version OpenSSL 3.1.2. Which is outstanding for an enterprise applications.

And it makes Domino again more up to date then most Linux distributions!

Important install changes on Windows

Beginning with Domino 14.0.0 EA3 Domino on Windows does not support running with the System Account any more out of the box.

During install you have to provide an existing user without admin permissions, which will be used to run the Domino service.

All access permissions are set accordingly for the user during install.

This will be quite a change for many administrators and there is an interesting discussion in the EAP forum about this change.

For details you should join the EAP forum.

This is just a quick first info about EAP3. You should look into the documentation and join the forum.

-- Daniel

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