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Daniel Nashed

Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

Daniel Nashed – 5 February 2019 09:03:24
I got this question many times in the last weeks.
Today the G1 Language Versions will be available.

In my Passport Advantage Account they did not show up yet.
But a customer reported that he can see and download some of them already.

PartnerWorld download also shows some of the files.

It might take a while until all files are available. But they should show up today!

Update: Andreas posted a detailed list with part numbers and descriptions -->

Another Update 6.2.2019:

Download of some G1 Versions are on hold because of a keyboard local language issue with the Standard client --  Oooops

See details below

-- Daniel

Shortcut Key issue impacting Notes Client 10.0.1 Group 1 Language release

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An defect is under investigation with the Notes 10.0.1 Standard client language releases impacting keyboard shortcut keys that are improperly mapped. While the issue is under investigation, these kits have been put on hold from All IBM Download sites to minimize the impact to customers. This document will be updated as we progress.

IBM has received reports and has confirmed an issue in Notes Standard language kits where keyboard shortcuts are not working as expected / mapped to incorrect key combination for that language. Since keyboard shortcuts are a very basic operation, the below kits have been put on hold while we investigate the issue.


1Friedhelm Klein  05.02.2019 14:57:18  Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

The IBM search index seems to be incomplete. When I search for 10.0.1 I will find Korean and Chinese Clients, G1 MUI pack for the clients, but no server language pack for or any other language than Chinese and Korean.

When you switch from the eAssembly tab to the Images tab, the other laguages and packages can be found. Looks like they are not properly assigned to eAssemblies. However I was not able to find CAA 2.0.1 German anywhere, probably that works only with MUI pack.

2David  05.02.2019 16:50:06  Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

Is there an ETA for group 2 languages?

3Friedhelm Klein  06.02.2019 9:05:29  Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

No official date, typically 1-2 months after G1

4Georg Wißler  06.02.2019 16:44:45  Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

Shortcut Key issue impacting Notes Client 10.0.1 Group 1 Language release..


An defect is under investigation with the Notes 10.0.1 Standard client language releases impacting keyboard shortcut keys that are improperly mapped. While the issue is under investigation, these kits have been put on hold from All IBM Download sites to minimize the impact to customers. This document will be updated as we progress.

..for all who are slamming their head on the table because IBM-V.10 German-Download doesn#t work..

5Christian Gravgaard  07.08.2019 10:55:40  Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

Hi Daniel,

Do you know when language packs for the nordic regions are relased?

Best Regards,

Christian Gravgaard,

Gravgaard & Co

6Tim Heuer  25.09.2019 8:53:17  Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

The exact date hasn't been conveyed yet.

But I heard from HCL Support that Notes 10 language pack for G2 will be perhaps released by the end of October.

7Davide  07.11.2019 13:44:34  Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

Hi Daniel, I can't found Notes in Italian anywhere in the HCL Software portal (, actually in any language than English... is it normal? Not searching by one of these part number: nor looking everywhere in the software list.

Many thanks,


8Daniel Nashed  07.11.2019 16:04:50  Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

@Davide, as discussed offline, your are missing files because probably your entitlements are not correct.

For you as a customer you should be able to find software via download search.

By product code, filename or description. You just need to change the search to "files".

For partners it is more complicated. You have to search thru your entitlements and go thru the list to find the right download to click thru multiple levels.

-- Daniel

9Davide  12.11.2019 20:49:11  Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

You're right! The key is to change the search to "Files" instead of "Download packages". However, thanks to HCL support I discovered that they also are under Downloads > List Downloads > Collaboration > HCL Domino Messaging Collaboration Express v10.0.1.

Many thanks! Ciao,


10Rodney Loureiro  03.04.2020 18:10:05  Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

Hi ,

how can I know the version of the language pack installed on a domino server. Is there a command that shows this?

Please, someone help me.

11Daniel Nashed  03.04.2020 20:14:59  Notes/Domino 10.0.1 G1 Language Versions available today

Hi Rodney,

the templates have build numbers. Every template that is changed should get a new template build number and build date that you can see in the database properties.

-- Daniel



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