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Daniel Nashed

Notes G1 Kit Finally Available

Daniel Nashed – 3 April 2019 13:29:36
As indicated yesterday, the fixed G1 Kit is finally available today.
Here is an official statement from IBM DACH about what happened in detail.

This post explains in more detail why we had to wait for the G1 version and what happened in the background.

I google translated the essential part of the text for our none German speaking yellow bleeding community below and checked that the text still makes sense.

Obviously HCL had bigger challenges than my simple auto translate from on the road.

-- Daniel

-- extract translated text from the original post --

Software translation packages are centralized at IBM. However, none of the persons involved in the development partnership went to HCL and HCL had to re-establish the topic. Just to remind you: HCL has not only taken over almost all ICS / Lotus / Iris developers in the Boston area (USA), but has also created more than 150 new jobs. First goal of the assumption of the then ex-IBMer was of course to minimize skill losses.

And that was the problem with the language packs. There was no skill transfer here and the new colleagues probably underestimated the topic a bit. In any case, some IBM Champions discovered very early that there were problems with the first release of Language Pack 1. IBM / HCL then withdrew it very quickly in order to do no harm to the customers. The problem immediately received tremendous attention in the development team, but also in the management. It quickly became clear that the roots of some of the problems were already in the older versions, but nobody really noticed them there. So you had to do more than just exchange a few words.

This has taken a few weeks, but it is also thanks to the support of some champions who have helped testing, certainly the best quality language package 1 for a long time. And the high attention paid to the management problem has also highlighted the fundamental importance of these packages. For this reason, Richard Jefts, the responsible general manager at HCL, has also announced that in the future HCL will always deliver the language pack 1 together with the original English release and not some 90 days later. I think that the problem has had something good, too - and it shows that HCL as a modern organization also learns quickly.

-- extract translated text from the original post --

Update: Thanks to Christoph Adler, here is a detailed download list with all the part numbers

-- IBM Notes 10.0.1 Language Kit G1 is available for download --

IBM Notes Client v10.0.1 Multilingual User Interface for Windows (Group 1) Multilingual (CC0I9ML)

IBM Notes v10.0.1 Windows German (CC0HRDE)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Windows Japanese (CC0KCJA)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Windows Brazilian (CC0HZBP)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Windows Italian (CC0HYIT)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Windows Japanese (CC0HXJA)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Windows Simplified Chinese (CC0HTSC)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Windows Traditional Chinese (CC0HWTC)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Windows French (CC0HVFR)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Windows Spanish (CC0HUES)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Windows Korean (CC0HSKO)

IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin V10.0.1 for Windows German (CC0I0DE)
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin v10.0.1 for Windows Japanese (CC0KDJA)
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin v10.0.1 for Windows Simplified Chinese (CC0I2SC)
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin V10.0.1 for Windows Korean (CC0I1KO)
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin v10.0.1 for Windows French (CC0I4FR)
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin v10.0.1 for Windows Spanish (CC0I3ES)
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin v10.0.1 for Windows Brazilian (CC0I8BP)
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin v10.0.1 for Windows Italian (CC0I7IT)
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin v10.0.1 for Windows Japanese (CC0I6JA)
IBM Notes, Domino Designer and Admin v10.0.1 for Windows Traditional Chinese (CC0I5TC)

IBM Notes v10.0.1 Mac 64 bit German and Italian (CC0IDML)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Mac 64 bit French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese (CC0ICML)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Mac 64 bit Korean and Japanese (CC0IBML)
IBM Notes v10.0.1 Mac 64 bit Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese (CC0IAML)


1Patrick Schneider  03.04.2019 14:59:47  Notes G1 Kit Finally Available

Unfortunately SPR ANITAXZGCS (wrong translations of holidays in the german pubnames.ntf) is still not fixed (see also,62089.0.html )

2Sean Tan  03.04.2019 16:05:29  Notes G1 Kit Finally Available

Great news, thank you Daniel!

3Erik Schwalb  03.04.2019 18:44:23  Notes G1 Kit Finally Available

FYI - Die Technote enthält die komplette Liste der part numbers inkl. Notes Basic Client, Domino Server Language Packs und XWork Server.



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