Notes & Domino 10 - Language Support Statement
Daniel Nashed – 17 January 2020 19:39:19
Many of us are waiting for an update on the language support especially for Notes clients. It turned out to be much more work than they thought and there is still a lot of work to do.
But they are getting there and for the next updates and with the new process, this should be much faster in future.
German and Japanese was already available in Notes/Domino 11 Beta 2 and has shipped with the GA release.
We can expect more languages to be shipped with GA but this time we still have to wait.
I would have wished we would have got that info already around GA time. But even it takes some more time, this statement is good news.
They are shipping Notes & Domino 10.0.1 languages first, because of customer deployments and I would expect they will ship the same languages with 11.0.1 hopefully.
See details here...
-- Daniel
- Comments [2]
1Kaare Hansen 06.07.2020 10:28:10 Notes & Domino 10 - Language Support Statement
Hi Daniel
Is there any news about the Danish languagepack for HCL Notes v11 ??
As you can se on the link below we are quite a few who are still running IBM Notes 9.0.1 because it is the newest version supporting Danish.
Do you think we expect to see HCL support all the Nordic languages like IBM did or not?? At some point we will be forced to decide what to do…
If you have the opputunity we would appriciate if you mention our wish to HCL (Danish languagepack).
Hope you will have a great summer :)
2Daniel Nashed 06.07.2020 18:17:58 Notes & Domino 10 - Language Support Statement
@Kaare, I don't hear of any fixed data for the DK 11.0.1 LP.
But from what I understood, it is on the radar.
If you know Uffe you should ask him for details :-)
-- Daniel