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Daniel Nashed

Notes Client hangs when pasting documents into local or server-based names.nsf

Daniel Nashed – 3 April 2011 08:33:59

I thought this is issue already widely known but I still have customers running into it.
The problem will be fixed in 8.5.3. I have no idea how an issue like this can pass product testing and can happen.. The IF is only true for account documents so the infinit loop should almost always happen.

Here is a fix described in TN #1446084.

When you modify the code in the template on your admin server, make sure your names.nsf only inherits design on the admin server.

-- Daniel

-- snip --

Problem If using Notes 8.5.1 or 8.5.2 (Standard or Basic), when you attempt to paste a document into names.nsf (local or server), the Notes client appears to hang. To recover from the hang, you have to press Ctrl + Break.   Resolving the problem 

This issue has been reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# MOBN87BNC8.

In order to correct this problem, the Domino Directory template (pubnames.ntf) needs to be modified. Once it is open in the Domino Designer, perform these steps:

1. Open the (RenamePastedAccounts) agent

2. In the Initialize subroutine, move the call to "dc.getnextdocument(doc)" outside of the If statement as below:

 Not doc Is Nothing 
      If doc.getitemvalue(TYPE_FIELD)(0) = ACCT_TYPE Then 
          strName = doc.getitemvalue(ACCT_NAME)(0)
           doc.ReplaceItemValue(ACCT_NAME, str1 + strName)
 , False)
          Set doc = dc.getnextdocument(doc)
      End If
      Set doc = dc.getnextdocument(doc)

3. Save the agent and replace the design of your Domino Directory with this modified template.

-- snip --

1Dennis van Remortel  03.04.2011 15:16:59  Notes Client hangs when pasting documents into local or server-based names.nsf

Thanks Daniel! I thought it was just me having this problem!

I'll give the fix a go.

2Michelle  04.04.2011 4:36:36  Notes Client hangs when pasting documents into local or server-based names.nsf

Thanks. I thought it was me also. It never even crossed my mind that it would be a simple script error like this. I was thinking something corrupt on my desktop, like cached view indexes.

As you say - how does this get through testing?

3Adam  04.04.2011 9:12:28  Notes Client hangs when pasting documents into local or server-based names.nsf

I'd also just assumed this was something on my end, thanks for the heads up.

Right now I have a hard time believing that IBM do much testing at all.

4Raghad AL-SAMMAN  05.04.2011 9:27:23  Notes Client hangs when pasting documents into local or server-based names.nsf

Thanks Daniel !! Quite useful ..

5Andy Pedisich  05.04.2011 19:59:31  Notes Client hangs when pasting documents into local or server-based names.nsf

Just had it happen... again! Now at least I know why. Thanks Daniel!

6David  05.04.2011 21:00:52  Notes Client hangs when pasting documents into local or server-based names.nsf

I thought this was just my site too, glad to know its a bug. At least I found the CTRL-Break fix but always wondered if the item had fully copied and pasted.



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