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Daniel Nashed

Notes 9/10 Standard Client issues in combination wth LibreOffice 6 installed fonts "NOTO"

Daniel Nashed – 16 May 2019 07:00:05

This issue came up already some days ago but I wasn't able to reproduce. The first reports have been that this occurs when too many fonts are installed.
But I had more fonts and I did not happen. This is a specific problem with the some fonts that LibreOffice 6 installs. LibreOffice 5 doesn't have the "NOTO" Fonts and works file.

My friends at University Zürich (thanks guys to narrow the issue down for us!) told me a Engage that they have this issue and they have narrowed it down to the name of the fonts beginning with "NOTO".
So this even happens when you rename other fonts to the same names.

Development is aware of the issue (SPR #SMOYBC7HJD) and support says this impacts not only Notes 10 but also Notes 9 clients.

What happens when those fonts are present is that after a while the client, ST functionality and also the designer does not work properly any more:

- Some dialogs don't show up any more
- Some text is bold
- ST client cannot accept chats
- The client might hang

The work-around is to delete those "NOTO" fonts and ensure the RecentFontList is cleared as well.

Below is the original statement from support.

-- Daniel

-- snip --

When I installed Libre office it added a number of NOTO MONO fonts to my windows profile which is available under the folder - C:\Windows\Fonts.
Even Notes client notes.ini picks up this font name into it automatically:

RecentFontList=Palatino Linotype, Noto Mono, Default Sans Serif, Niagara Engraved, Nirmala UI Semilight

Work around to fix the issue for now is to follow the below steps:

1) Go to C drive Windows\Fonts directory or folder and delete all the NOTO related fonts from it.

2) Remove the Noto Mono font from Notes.ini as well.

We have even received few other cases related to it, where not only Notes 10.0.1 is impacted but Notes 9.0.1 Notes & designer client display has issues.

-- snip --


1Lars Berntrop-Bos  16.05.2019 7:40:04  Notes 9/10 Standard Client issues in combination wth LibreOffice 6 installed fonts NOTO

See also:


My hypothesis is it started in 9.0.1 FP10, i.e. Eclipse base version jump to 4.6.2

I searched my notes.ini for RecentFontList, but could not locate it in my 9.0.1 or v10.0.1 notes.ini files...

Is it perhaps in a properties file?

2Ulrich Krause  16.05.2019 16:23:58  Notes 9/10 Standard Client issues in combination wth LibreOffice 6 installed fonts NOTO

The isssue immediately occurs when you add

RecentFontList=Noto Mono

to the client notes.ini without having any of the Noto fonts installed on the machine.

3Chris Hudson  22.05.2019 8:20:46  Notes 9/10 Standard Client issues in combination wth LibreOffice 6 installed fonts NOTO

There appear to be other issues with the Noto fonts in other applications including Word 2016 and Cura, so it may not be a Notes problem but a Noto problem.

See the following pages:

4Lars  27.05.2019 13:33:23  Notes 9/10 Standard Client issues in combination wth LibreOffice 6 installed fonts NOTO

Hi all, posted a case (TS pointing to all kown sources, hopefully this will expedite finding what is causing it and finding a fix.

5Ondřej Kostruh  31.05.2019 8:20:51  Notes 9/10 Standard Client issues in combination wth LibreOffice 6 installed fonts NOTO

Hi, I have same problem as described here by Daniel and by Lars.

Problem is still here in 10.0.1 FP2.

I had to remove all Noto font files from windows directory. I hadn't any of them in the notes.ini.

After deleting files, the designer is working (for now...).

6Christian Brandlehner  20.12.2019 23:11:55  Notes 9/10 Standard Client issues in combination wth LibreOffice 6 installed fonts NOTO

still reproduces with Notes 11.



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