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Daniel Nashed

New Version 2.9 Lotus Notes Diagnostics - LND has been released

Daniel Nashed – 22 November 2010 09:28:17

LND is a great tool to get your NSDs analyzed -- among many other things like memory dump an annotated, sem-debug time stamps etc.
There is a new version 2.9 which now also works on Win7 64bit workstations. The TN is not yet updated but you find it here

Thanks again for this great tool!

-- Daniel


1Jack Dausman  22.11.2010 11:21:10  New Version 2.9 Lotus Notes Diagnostics - LND has been released

LND is a terrific tool, thanks for the update on it.

2Werner Motzet  22.11.2010 11:37:51  New Version 2.9 Lotus Notes Diagnostics - LND has been released

thx 4 Info

3Mike  24.11.2010 15:31:57  New Version 2.9 Lotus Notes Diagnostics - LND has been released

Hallo, wie funktioniert es mit einem Proxy? Es kommt leider keinerlei Rückmeldung ob die Proxy Anfrage geklappt hat oder nicht. Gibt es Debug Settings?

4Daniel Nashed  24.11.2010 17:45:55  New Version 2.9 Lotus Notes Diagnostics - LND has been released

@Mike, ich verwende leider keinen Proxy und die Frage ist glaube ich bei Euch schon mal aufgekommen.

Ich hab das bei mir mal mit der Proxy-Einstellung getestet und einen lokalen Trace Proxy eingetragen (

Damit habe ich Requests gesehen. Ich denke ihr habt einen Proxy, der Authentication braucht?

Kannst Du mir dazu ein paar mehr Infos schicken, dann versuche ich mal was dazu raus zu finden.

-- Daniel

5Roland  29.10.2020 12:23:53  New Version 2.9 Lotus Notes Diagnostics - LND has been released

Hallo Daniel,

gibt es da eine Version von LND. Ich kann keine NSD‘s von 11er Servern auswerten.

Ich finde im Netz sonst nichts.

Gruss Roland

6Daniel Nashed  29.10.2020 13:30:09  New Version 2.9 Lotus Notes Diagnostics - LND has been released

Hi Roland,

there is no new LND version. I spoke with the guy who originally developed it, who still works at IBM.

It was a support asset and not an offering from development.

There is no new version! And we cannot expect a new version.

It was a cool tool for memory checks, hangs etc. But for crashes looking into the NSD with a text editor should work in most cases.

Keep in mind that NSD was designed as a tool for support and development and was never intended for the standard admin to use it.

In most cases you have to call support anyway if the problem isn't a known issue or happens because of data corruption.

If you need LND for analyzing NSDs, probably sending the NSD to HCL is the better option.

Unless you are in a regulated industry where you can't send any data.

For those type of customers a tool to sanitize the logs would be really important. I didn't see a AHA idea for that yet.

Traveler has a way to remove the user information from logs in many cases. Not completely but to a high extend.

But for Domino this would be quite some work.

-- Daniel



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