New Option in Domino Start Script: Pre-Shutdwon Command for Traveler Servers
Daniel Nashed – 31 October 2010 09:02:50
As discussed some days ago the shutdown of a Domino Server running Traveler might be a lot quicker, when you shutdown the Traveler task first.
So it makes sense for my Domino on Linux start script to have a new option to allow a pre-shutdown command including a configurable delay time before shutting down the server.
The new version 2.1 of my start script allows you to configure the new options DOMINO_PRE_SHUTDOWN_COMMAND and DOMINO_PRE_SHUTDOWN_DELAY.
It is mainly intended for Traveler servers but it can be configured to send any command that makes sense for you.
I thought about also adding a pre_shutdown Unix shell script to invoke before shutting down the server but I found no real use case for that.
I have updated the script and the documentation here -->
And you can request the current version here -->!openform
-- Daniel
- Comments [1]
1Ulrich Krause 31.10.2010 11:04:22 New Option in Domino Start Script: Pre-Shutdwon Command for Traveler Servers
Cool. Thx for sharing